Centerflow Anxiety Solution

Centerflow Anxiety Solution


Synchronize the brain, get deep, healing sleep, and stop anxiety attacks in their tracks with the Centerflow Anxiety Solution!

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The Burden of Anxiety Does NOT
Have to Be a Life Sentence

Dear Friend,

What if you could conquer anxiety at the source instead of just treating the symptoms?

You see every day, over 300 million people all around the world lose a battle with anxiety.

Whether you’re calling out of work sick, canceling plans with friends, skipping meals, neglecting basic hygiene, or losing hours of the day just ruminating in bed…

…anxiety can consume your day, your week, and even your whole life.

And until you start doing something about it, nothing will change.

Life becomes 100x harder when anxiety is constantly dragging you down. It’s like treading water every waking minute trying to battle intrusive fears, worst-case scenarios, and difficult memories.

Eventually, you get so exhausted from constantly fighting these treacherous thoughts and depressing feelings that you have no other choice but to give up and surrender to them. You stop struggling and sink down into that dark pit of anxiety.

So you cancel the plans, you lock the door, you pull that blanket over your head and try to escape into a fitful, restless sleep.

And before you know it, the alarm bell rings, you wake up tired and groggy, roll out of bed and plunge into the dark deep waters of another day. How long will you stay afloat this time?

This is the sad reality for so many who struggle with debilitating anxiety that saps their energy, their happiness, and their spark for life.

But the good news is, there IS a way out.

Yes – you CAN turn the tide on anxiety and escape the endless abyss.

You CAN quiet the demoralizing thoughts in the back of your mind and evaporate the fears that have been weighing you down.

You CAN live your life on your OWN terms, looking forward to each day with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

We have the answer.

And it’s not found in a pill bottle or an expensive prescription slip.

Those only treat the symptoms of anxiety – they don’t even scratch the surface on the real underlying issues!

No- for a true solution to anxiety, you need to stop it at its source.

And to do that, you need to understand WHY and HOW we develop anxiety in the first place.

A Perfect Storm for Anxiety

It’s no secret that more and more people every day are succumbing to anxiety. This trend had been growing at a slow pace for some time, but it really took off over the last few years.

Now, you might be quick to blame the COVID pandemic for today’s elevated anxiety rates – and you’d be on the right track. But it’s really just the tip of the iceberg.

According to the World Health Organization, during the pandemic anxiety and depression rates spiked by…

…a whopping 25% worldwide!

That’s the biggest increase ever recorded in human history.

But now that the lockdowns are over and the threat has passed…

…why haven’t those numbers come down?

Why is anxiety still growing around the globe?

Like I said, COVID may have lit the fuse, but our REAL problems have been brewing below the surface for years. And they are much, much bigger.

Let me ask you this:

Have you ever avoided going to the doctor, or put off seeking therapy…

…because you learned from a young age that you need to “suck it up” and “just do what you need to do” without bothering others?

Heck, I know that my generation has always been the one to put on a brave face, to keep our problems to ourselves, and to suffer in silence instead of making issues like anxiety into a big deal.

But that’s just it. We’re suffering. We’re hurting. Because the truth is…

…anxiety IS a big deal!

And it’s getting bigger.

It seems like every day there’s more and more things to worry about.

Just take a look at the economy that seems to be crumbling at our feet.

Our retirements aren’t panning out like we thought they would. The cost of housing isn’t keeping up with social security. Food and gas prices are through the roof!

Not to mention we’re in an election year here in the U.S. and everyone is saying it’s the end of the world if the other side wins.

This is NOT normal!

It’s no wonder our brains are sounding alarm bells, worrying about what new threat is going to be thrown on the pile.

And I’ll admit, I thought anxiety was something that mostly the younger generations go through, but that we mostly grow out of after a certain age.

But when someone in my close circle of friends said that they started on an anti-anxiety medication, which led to two more of my friends revealing that they also rely on prescription pills for anxiety…

…well I realized that anxiety is much closer than I previously thought.

So I started digging. I looked into the data for rising anxiety rates.

And I was right – young people ARE much more affected.

Did you know that 50% of 18-24 year olds are reporting symptoms of anxiety?

That’s HALF a generation plagued with overwhelming stress leading to negative thoughts and feelings!

And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

As they leave the safety of childhood behind, Generation Z is entering a world that’s more expensive, more uncertain, and more volatile than ever before.

But it’s not just the young adults that are struggling.

Millennials are also facing a reality where jobs may be plentiful, but housing is much more expensive than it was for previous generations. For many Millennials, the idea of owning their own home seems impossible.

Add in record-breaking student debt, inflation and rising childcare costs, and you can see why the concept of a one-income “nuclear family” is almost extinct.

Generation X and Baby Boomers aren’t immune either. We’re experiencing the most anxiety we’ve ever felt in our lifetimes, and those numbers are LARGELY under-reported!

After three economic meltdowns in the last 30 years – the dot-com bubble, the 2008 recession, and now the pandemic – we are realizing that our lifetime of investing and saving isn’t as secure as we once thought.

All of this adds up to a powder keg of problems that’s been simmering for years.

Again – the pandemic itself wasn’t necessarily the cause of all of our problems.

Rather, it was “the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

The injection of stress during the pandemic set off a chain reaction, lighting the fuse on all the repressed worries and fears that we’ve been grappling with for the last decade or more.

That’s why even though the pandemic may be over, our stress levels haven’t gone back to pre-pandemic levels.

The jig is up. The cat’s out of the bag. Our anxiety problem is now on the surface.

And there’s no going back.

Because the truth is, while there are many major societal problems that contribute to our anxiety…

…the true face of anxiety is much closer to home. It’s much more personal.

The True Face of Anxiety

When you think of anxiety, what comes to mind?

Probably fear, awkwardness, failure, criticism, or even emotional wounds.

But did you know that the TRUE face of anxiety is actually…

…a dysfunctional form of self-love?

That’s right – anxiety is your brain trying to protect you. It warns you of danger so that you can heighten your senses and avoid getting into an unwanted situation.

The problem is, if you struggle with anxiety, you think you’re seeing danger everywhere!

Your stress levels are so high that your limbic system – the “fight-or-flight” part of the brain – is in constant overdrive.

As a result, you can’t relax. You can’t sleep. It’s almost like you’re programmed to picture the worst case scenario in every situation.

Anxiety is your imagination running wild – but not in a good way. It drags you through a thorny field of “what ifs” and predicted catastrophes that will probably never come to pass. It’s turning your creativity and problem-solving abilities on their heads, causing you to try and solve problems that don’t exist, over and over and over.

Anxiety is obsessive rumination of your painful past. This is especially true if you’ve experienced a traumatic event – it can feel like you’re stuck in a scene that plays over and over with no escape. You can’t enjoy the present moment or make plans for the future while you’re trapped in a dark memory that’s stuck on repeat.

Anxiety is a perpetual clench – like your brain is in a vice. Your mind and body are flexing in anticipation of a force that will never come – bracing for impact. You’re stuck in survival mode, and it’s draining your energy faster than you can refill your tank. This leads to digestive problems, nervous system complications like chronic pain, muscle tension, severe headaches, and so many other physical health issues.

Anxiety is an overprotective guardian that locks you in your room day and night. It’s your defense mechanism against a dangerous world. But when it’s out of control, it’s doing more harm than good. It’s keeping you from the life you want. It’s ruining your happiness with imagined disasters. It’s making you do a constant risk/reward analysis and convincing you that the reward is never worth the risk.

Anxiety is the relationship ruiner. It holds you hostage from interacting with your friends and family. It stifles your thoughts and your words. It denies you the birthday parties and weddings, the graduations and other crucial milestone moments in your loved ones’ lives. Some people think you’re aloof, when the reality is you’re just suffering in silence.

What the heck are you supposed to do about that? How can you be expected to go on under these conditions?

That’s no way to live.

So you might be asking yourself right now…

How do I regain control of my imagination that’s running wild?

How do I escape the constant catastrophizing and rumination?

How do I unclench and feel safe enough to relax?

How do I tame this overprotective beast?

There’s only one surefire solution that allows you to do this without pills, without years of therapy, and in the privacy of your own home.
Improve Your Brain, Improve Your Life

Everyone has a threshold for how much stress they can handle.

When the amount of stress you’re experiencing goes past that threshold…

…that’s when anxiety rears its ugly head.

It’s your defense mechanism to this overwhelming stress and it manifests as a way to try and stop more stress from accumulating.

As a result you might drink a bottle of wine, call out sick to work, you might cancel plans with friends, you might leave a project unfinished.

These are all red flags of an anxious brain trying to survive.

But here’s the sad irony about anxiety.

When anxiety is out of control, it actually leads to more stress than it prevents!

It starts a feedback loop – a black hole where stress is causing anxiety, which causes more stress, which leads to even more anxiety and so on!

It’s this vicious cycle that you must break if you want to escape the clutches of anxiety for good.

So – how do you do it?

Is it really possible without a mountain of medication and a therapist on speed-dial?

The answer is – absolutely!

There are three strategies you can take to break this anxiety cycle.

Strategy #1: The Secret of Limbic Soothing.

Your limbic system is the part of the brain that controls your “fight or flight” response. When you’re experiencing anxiety, your limbic system is stuck in the “on” position and becomes hypervigilant, looking for threats all around you. It even creates imagined future threats!

But if you can soothe the limbic system, get it to relax, and turn off your “fight or flight” mode, then you can pull the plug on your anxiety and break the vicious cycle.

Strategy #2: The Secret of Brain Synchronization & Cohesion.

The brain isn’t just one thing – it’s made up of many different parts. When certain parts of your brain are overactive while other parts of your brain are underactive, it throws your hormones and physiology out-of-whack. Your ability to think clearly is compromised. This makes it harder to see the big picture and to realize when you’re fixating on something you have no control over.

But if you can get the different parts of the brain on the same page (synchronization) so that it’s working in harmony, it makes it much easier to let go of unproductive thoughts and feelings while focusing energy and attention on the things you can actually control. This leads to better management of your overall thoughts and emotions.

Strategy #3: The Secret of Presence

When we experience anxiety, we can feel like we’re detached from our bodies. We might end up in an imagined future plagued with unsolvable problems. Or we might keep returning to a painful memory from the past, reliving a traumatic moment over and over.

But if you can re-ground yourself in the present moment, if you can stop yourself from sliding off into those disparaging thoughts, then you can avoid the pitfall of the anxiety cycle.

Okay – those strategies look great on paper, but how do you actually do it?

How can you truly soothe the limbic system, synchronize your brain, and ground yourself in the present when anxiety has been overwhelming you for years?

Is it really possible?

Yes – it is!

In fact, people have been doing it for thousands of years.

You might be surprised to hear that the most effective method to improve your brain in all the ways that help you overcome anxiety is through…


That’s right, not only has meditation been used for thousands of years for personal growth, it’s also been proven over and over again through scientific studies to be the most effective means of soothing the limbic system, synchronizing the brain, and grounding you in the present moment.

But the problem with meditation is that it can be difficult to start meditating – especially if you’ve never tried it before. There are so many different techniques and methods out there that it can be confusing to know where to start.

Worst of all, it usually takes months or even YEARS of practice before you begin seeing consistent results.

Who’s got the time to dedicate to that?

But that’s where our proprietary Holosync neuro-audio technology changes everything.

Holosync: The Ultimate Tool Against Anxiety

For more than 35 years, we’ve been the worldwide leaders in meditation technology, pioneering the most cutting-edge neuroscience techniques to make deep, effective meditation accessible to anyone.

That’s right – no need to sit on a mountaintop or learn the lotus position to enjoy the kind of deep meditations that usually take years of training to achieve.

With Holosync, you get effective & transformative meditations from the very first time you try.

This is HUGE because there’s no learning curve. No confusing instructions. No “wasted time.”

That’s why Holosync has been shown to provide all the benefits of meditation up to 8x faster when compared to traditional meditation.

Best of all, you can use it in your own home, on your terms, whenever you want!

With our Holosync meditation technology on your side, you’ll finally have an effective tool that puts anxiety where it belongs – under your control.

And to make it even easier for you to conquer anxiety once and for all, we’ve created a special Holosync collection designed specifically to address the complicated beast that is anxiety by greatly reducing stress, synchronizing your brain function, balancing neurochemicals, and more.

It’s called:

Centerflow Anxiety Solution

The Easy Way to Turn Anxiety into Serenity

Centerflow Anxiety Solution is a game-changing mental health tool that’ll help you gain control over your anxiety.

This powerful collection utilizes the following psycho-acoustic technologies to improve your brain in remarkable ways:

It uses Holosync neuro-audio technology that induces specific brainwave states associated with major brain benefits.

It uses Lateral Carrier Boost technology that synchronizes your brain’s left and right hemispheres to get your brain balanced and focused.

It uses Autofonix silent affirmation technology to accelerate results and empower your subconscious.

We’ve fine-tuned this combination of advanced technologies to specifically target the anxiety spiral so you can finally break free for good.

Whether you want to reduce stress, improve stress resistance, synchronize the brain, achieve a deep and healing sleep, or soothe an immediate anxiety attack, these tools make all the difference in the world.

And they are extremely easy to use – no pills or prescriptions necessary!

Just don a comfortable pair of headphones or earbuds, sit in your favorite chair, and listen with eyes closed. That’s it! The technology will do the rest on its own.

Here’s what you get with the Centerflow Anxiety Solution:

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Soundtrack #1: Harmonic Healing

Reduce stress, synchronize the brain, & bolster your subconscious

Anxiety disrupts your brain’s normal flow of activity. This means the limbic system – the part of the brain associated with our “fight or flight” response – gets stuck in overdrive.

The result is an “overprotective guardian” effect which creates constant feelings of hypervigilance, nervousness, tension, and fear.

But here’s the problem:

The limbic system is not meant to be active all the time.

Anxiety keeps the limbic system working day and night – interfering with our peace of mind, our sleep, even compromising our immune system and putting us at greater risk for disease and sickness.

This leads to a brain that’s overexerted, out-of-sync, and stuck in an anxiety spiral.

Harmonic Healing is a powerful Holosync soundtrack designed to re-tune the brain, to bring it back into sync while soothing and healing the overactive, overworked limbic system.

It does this by gently inducing the brain into the alpha brainwave state. Studies show that alpha brainwaves result in a calming of activity in the limbic system.

Harmonic Healing uses Holosync to pinpoint this alpha state so you can finally relax and release the tension that’s tied your brain in knots.

Once in this tranquil state, our Lateral Carrier Boost technology synchronizes the neuro-electrical activity between the right and left cerebral hemispheres, leading to the entire brain working together in harmony, instead of certain parts fighting against each other.

But that’s not all. During this healing meditation, our Autofonix silent affirmation technology is quietly at work, empowering your subconscious with uplifting affirmations tailored to instill resilience, promote self-compassion, and overcome fears.

The result is a powerful brain-healing session that gets at the root of the anxiety spiral!

By inducing a state of relaxation, harmonizing your brain activity, and imbuing your subconscious thoughts with positive affirmations, you’ll finally have a way to release the built-up stress and dysfunctional thoughts that feed your anxiety.

This is the most powerful brain-empowering meditation soundtrack we’ve ever created that utilizes the latest in neuroscience technology and techniques. It’ll be your guiding light as you navigate the choppy waters of anxiety and come out the other side happier, healthier, and more in control of your life.

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Soundtrack #2: Delta Dreamscape

Deep, healing sleep at the push of a button

Did you know that over 95% of people with anxiety report sleeping problems?

It’s during sleep that the brain cleans out toxins from the brain, facilitates healing, and rebalances the crucial neurochemicals that we rely on to feel happy and fulfilled.

But anxiety often makes it a real struggle to get to sleep at night, even if you’re physically tired.

As you lie in bed trying to sleep, your mind suddenly becomes flooded with ruminations of past mistakes, worries about the future, or might even fixate on imagined worst-case-scenarios that will probably never happen.

Before you know it, two, three, four hours have passed. You’re tired, you’re exhausted, but your brain is still going a mile a minute, stuck in “anxiety mode” with no end in sight.

This is one of the reasons that anxiety is a vicious cycle. When it prevents you from getting quality sleep, it leads to health problems that in turn fuel more anxious thoughts.

Problems like:

  • Debilitating imbalance of neurochemicals
  • Heightened emotions and mood swings
  • Relying on dangerous sleeping pills
  • Making riskier, unsafe decisions
  • Increased rate of heart disease
  • Weakened immune system
  • Higher chance of obesity
  • Depleted energy levels
  • Disorienting brain fog
  • Lower sex drive

But now you can pull the plug on an anxious mind run wild so you can finally get the healing sleep you need.

It’s all thanks to Delta Dreamscape, the quickest and easiest way to dissolve the worries and fears, relax the mind and body, and drift off into the deepest and most rejuvenating sleep you can imagine!

In just minutes, the Holosync technology in Delta Dreamscape gently slows your brainwave patterns down from a state of anxious wakefulness to a deep delta state associated with profound relaxation, healing and sleep.

It’s the ultimate meditation to put an anxious mind to bed!

Listening to Delta Dreamscape consistently will:

  • Balance hormones (lower cortisol, increasing DHEA and melatonin)
  • Improve cognitive function like attention & memory
  • Impart a sense of calmness and peace of mind
  • Reduce feelings of nervousness and worry
  • Help you regulate your emotions
  • Improve immune response
  • Reduce stress & irritability
  • Restore energy levels
  • Enhance resilience

Best of all, Delta Dreamscape is a safe, proven, and effective alternative to the nasty side effects and dangers that come with sleeping pills or other sedatives.

Don’t spend another night tossing and turning, worrying, obsessing, and letting anxiety keep you from getting that all-important sleep! With Delta Dreamscape, YOU decide when it’s time to sleep.

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Soundtrack #3: Safe & Centered

Your escape hatch from anxiety attacks & overwhelm

Anxiety thrives on our fears, amplifying them and blurring the line between reality and our imagination.

This is why when we’re in a state of heightened anxiety – often called an “Anxiety Attack” – it’s difficult to “calm down.”

Instead we can feel like we’re about to jump out of our skin. We’re uncomfortable, edgy, tense, apprehensive. It’s hard to think clearly and rationally.

Anxiety attacks come with a wide range of physiological reactions: shortness of breath, a feeling of weight in the chests, rapid heart beat, muscle twitches, trembling, sweating, nausea, dizziness and more.

And one of the most disconcerting effects of anxiety is…

…the feeling of being detached from oneself and one’s surroundings.

It makes you feel “ungrounded,” and out of contact with reality.

You lose touch with the present moment, and even your physical environment itself.

That’s why we included a powerful and effective anti-anxiety technique you can use to reconnect to yourself and your surroundings…

…to become centered, grounded, calm and safe even in the midst of an anxiety attack.

It’s called Safe & Centered and it’s a beautiful guided visualization exercise that only takes a few minutes to experience instant relief.

Simply cue up the soundtrack and follow along with the guided instructions. Within moments, you’ll find your breathing becoming calm, your body relaxing, and your mind clear and focused.

Safe & Centered uses Holosync to bring your brainwaves into a soothing theta state that triggers the release of serotonin – the happy mood-boosting neurotransmitter – while helping to ground you in the present moment.

During our testing phase of Centerflow Anxiety Solution, one listener said:

“This Safe & Centered exercise was like an instant miracle. I went from feeling almost frenzied and uncomfortable to feeling like I’d just come out of a hot tub or sauna. This is now my go-to soundtrack anytime I feel that surge of anxiety or panic start up.”

With Safe & Centered, you have effective, on-demand relief from anxiety’s worst effects.

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Powerful Anti-Anxiety Tools at a Low Price

Anxiety is the most widespread mental health issue of our time. And it’s affecting more and more people each day.

So it’s no surprise that the pharmaceutical industry is cashing in on this epidemic.

This is why despite the low cost of production, most popular anti-anxiety medications can run upwards of hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month depending on your health insurance, generic options available, and allergies. These medications also come with their own variety of side effects and complications.

That’s not the case with Holosync.

Holosync is side-effect free.

It’s safe and comfortable to use, with a relaxing experience that provides instant relief. And after consistent use, Holosync improves your brain in ways that address the underlying root causes of anxiety issues.

Best of all, it’s a much more affordable method to escape the perpetual anxiety spiral that drains your happiness, sparks your fears, ruins your sleep and takes over your life.

Here’s what you get when you order Centerflow Anxiety Solution today:

Harmonic Healing Anti-Anxiety Holosync Soundtrack: The most potent anti-anxiety meditation ever created to address the root causes of anxiety and improve your brain to build anxiety resistance.

Delta Dreamscape Sleep Induction Holosync Soundtrack: An easy and effective sleep induction tool to silence anxious thoughts so you can quickly fall into deep and healing slumber.

Safe & Centered Guided Holosync Exercise: A powerful grounding exercise that provides instant relief for anxiety attacks and moments of overwhelm.

These tools make all the difference in the world. And we want to make sure that everyone has access to them.

That’s why – despite the advanced audio technology – we’re keeping our prices LOW so that anyone can afford it!

Right now you can order Centerflow Anxiety Solution for the low price of just…


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That’s chump change compared to the annual price of most anxiety medication regimens!

There’s no insurance required, no prescription necessary. No hoops to jump through.

Just download or stream these powerful soundtracks and listen with headphones or earbuds to instantly start dissolving the anxiety that’s been holding you down for years.

It’s time to take your imagination back into your hands so you can get it working for you to improve your life – instead of against you to ruin it.

It’s time to stop ruminating on a past that will never change. It’s time to stop catastrophizing over a worst-case future that’ll never come to pass.

It’s time to tame the overprotective guardian that keeps coming between you and your family, friends, and happiness.

It’s time to fix your out-of-sync, unbalanced brain so you can finally feel like your true self again.

Centerflow Anxiety Solution is the answer you’ve been looking for.

I know you’re going to love your new life free from anxiety.


MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

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P.S. The Holosync technology we use in Centerflow Anxiety Solution will literally blow your mind!

You’ll experience a soothing and healing anti-anxiety state of mind from your very first session.

And the best part is, the more consistently you use the tools in Centerflow Anxiety Solution, the more you’ll benefit.

You owe it to yourself and your family to put the anxiety behind you and embrace life with open arms. We make it easy with the Centerflow Anxiety Solution.

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