Discover How a 2,000-Year-Old Secret, Supercharged by Cutting-Edge Audio Technology Can Melt Away Stress, Help You Sleep Better and Deepen Your Connection to Life!
Dear Fellow Seeker of Health and Harmony,
Albert Einstein once said, “Everything in life is vibration.” If there’s one truth that resonates through the ages, it’s that our very existence is a dance of energy and vibration. From the smallest atom to the grandest galaxies, everything in the universe hums with life-giving energy. But there’s one form of vibration that has the power to transform your life like nothing else.
Now, if you’re thinking, “MaryEllen, this sounds a bit too out there for me,” feel free to stop reading now.
But if you’re open to exploring something that has the potential to truly transform your life—and the lives of those you love—then stick with me for just five minutes. I promise you’ll be amazed at how simply closing your eyes and pushing a button can restore your energy, sharpen your clarity, and deepen your spiritual connection.
Because I’m talking about the vibration of your chakras.
For over 2,000 years, the ancient wisdom of Hindu, Buddhist, and Chinese traditions has taught us that our bodies are more than just flesh and blood. Within us lie energy centers, known as chakras, each with its unique vibrational frequency. When our chakras are aligned and balanced, we experience vibrant health, peace of mind, and a profound connection to the world around us.
But when they’re out of sync, life feels more like noise than music.
The surest way to know if your chakras are out of balance is to take a closer look at your physical and mental well-being. If you’re struggling with anxiety, feeling down, or finding it hard to focus, it’s a clear sign that your chakras need some serious attention. You might even sense a blockage or disruption in the energy flow within your body or the environment around you.
So ask yourself. Are you feeling stuck, stressed, or out of balance?
- Do you wake up feeling tired, even after a full night’s sleep?
- Are you weighed down by chronic stress, anxiety, or physical discomfort?
- Do you long for a deeper connection to your inner self, a sense of calm, and a renewed zest for life?
If so, it’s time to tune your body’s energy centers, like a finely-tuned instrument, to the frequencies of health, harmony, and vitality.
Introducing the Chakra Energy Activator Suite
At Centerpointe, we’ve harnessed the power of ancient healing wisdom and combined it with our cutting-edge neuroaudio technology to create something truly transformative: The Chakra Energy Activator Suite.
This groundbreaking program consists of seven powerful 20-minute soundtracks, each meticulously designed to target and tune one of your body’s seven major chakras. By listening to these soundtracks, you’ll cleanse, align, and activate your energy centers, unleashing a wave of healing and renewal through your entire being.
The Power of Holosync Technology: A Breakthrough in Brainwave Entrainment
You may be familiar with the ancient concept of chakras, but what makes the Chakra Energy Activator Suite truly unique is the integration of our state-of-the-art Holosync technology. This is the same technology that has been transforming lives for 35 years.
Holosync works by using precise audio frequencies to create a phenomenon called brainwave entrainment. When you listen to these frequencies, your brainwaves begin to match or “entrain” to them, leading you into deep states of meditation, relaxation, and heightened awareness—effortlessly. Holosync guides your brain to the same beneficial states that experienced meditators spend years trying to achieve, but without the struggle or time commitment.
What does this mean for your chakras? It means that when you listen to the Chakra Energy Activator Suite, you’re not just tuning your energy centers—you’re also enhancing your brain’s ability to heal, grow, and function at its highest potential. Holosync amplifies the effects of chakra tuning, making this program more powerful and effective than anything you’ve ever tried.
The Older We Get, The More Important It Is to Open Your Energy Centers
As we age, our bodies and minds inevitably face more stress, more challenges, and more wear and tear. We may feel the effects of chronic stress, unresolved emotions, or even the cumulative impact of negative thoughts and experiences.
This is why keeping your energy centers open and balanced becomes even more crucial as you get older. When your chakras are blocked or out of alignment, the flow of vital life energy is disrupted, leading to physical discomfort and possible injuries, mental unrest, and spiritual disconnection.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
By regularly tuning your chakras with the Chakra Energy Activator Suite, you can:
- Boost your physical health by ensuring that vital energy flows freely to all parts of your body.
- Enhance mental clarity and emotional balance, making it easier to navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence.
- Deepen your spiritual connection and sense of purpose, helping you to feel more centered, fulfilled, and aligned with your true self.
- Protect yourself against the damaging effects of stress, ensuring that you stay resilient and vibrant, no matter what life throws your way.
- Improve your sleep quality by calming your mind and body, allowing for deep, restorative rest each night.
- Strengthen your immune system by harmonizing your body’s energy, making you more resilient to illness and fatigue.
- Elevate your mood and overall happiness by clearing emotional blockages and promoting positive energy flow throughout your entire being.
Think of your chakras as the gears in a finely tuned machine. When they’re in sync, everything runs smoothly, but when one or more is off, the whole system can grind to a halt. As you age, keeping these gears in perfect working order isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential.
The quickest and easiest way to help activate, open, and balance the chakras is by using the power of sound to tune and align their rotational spin. When each chakra is spinning according to their proper vibrational frequency, it’s healthy, vibrant, and strong.
Let’s take a look at the seven amazing soundtracks that come with the Chakra Energy Activator Suite.
A Complete Chakra Healing Experience
Here’s what’s inside this life-changing suite:

1) Strong & Connected – Root Chakra Activator
Your root chakra is located at the base of your spine and is the chakra associated with security, safety, connectedness, and basic human needs. Like trees, we need a strong root system to stay connected and keep growing.
The root chakra is the foundation of the body’s energy system. It governs our basic survival instincts and determines our sense of groundedness and connection. It is the center of our emotional balance and stability.
A healthy root chakra spins at 396 Hz.
When the root chakra is blocked or out of balance, we can experience feelings of insecurity, anxiety, fear, and a lack of connection with the world. We can feel cut-off, not only from others but from ourselves. Worries over any aspect related to our basic needs – our health, relationships, and finances – can create disharmony in root chakra function.
Strong & Connected is designed to help unblock, balance and activate the root chakra. This 20 minute soundtrack gets right to the “root” of problems around fear and anxiety, gently soothing our overbusy and overburdened minds.
Focused on the delta brain wave state, and utilizing a very low (potent) carrier frequency, Strong & Connected is extremely effective at dredging up old blocks and flushing them out to let the root chakra re-energize and spin at the proper frequency.
Strong & Connected also includes a powerful affirmation script recorded in our proprietary Autofonix encoding method. These affirmations, silent to your conscious mind but perceived and absorbed by the unconscious, are focused on root chakra elements such as safety, connection, and being fully present and centered.
2) Passionate Power – Sacral Chakra Activator
The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with creativity, sexuality, passion, and emotional expression. It’s often described as the seat of life force energy, linking it to vitality and a zest for life.
This chakra is deeply connected to our emotional experiences, especially where creativity and expression are concerned. A key aspect to the sacral chakra is emotional fluidity – the ability to experience both joy and sorrow in healthy ways, and to process difficult emotions effectively.
When we feel blocked creatively, or feel emotionally detached or numb, our sacral chakra may be out of balance or blocked. Problems with the sacral chakra can also manifest as a fear of intimacy or imbalanced libido. Sometimes a blocked sacral chakra can result in low affect – an inability to feel or connect with ourselves or others emotionally.
With Passionate Power you have a superb and easy to use audio tool designed to free up emotional blocks related to poor sacral energy, fire up your creativity, and awaken your zest for life!
Using potent carrier frequencies and extended time at a very precise 5.5 Hz theta brainwave pattern, Passionate Power will help you obliterate blocks to your own emotional power, awaken your passion, and get your creative juices flowing!
3) Core Radiance – Solar Plexus Activator
Your Solar Plexus chakra is located in the upper abdominal area at the center of your body. It is, literally, your core. It’s associated with your confidence, your personal sense of self, and your willpower. This chakra is said to contain energy used to take action toward our goals and desires. It empowers us to make decisions with confidence and clarity. People striving to manifest success in their lives should pay special attention to the solar plexus chakra as it houses energy related to motivation and determination.
Many people have blocks in their solar plexus chakra which manifests as a lack of confidence, a sense of powerlessness, fear of failure, and mental and emotional fatigue. When we struggle to move forward in life or take action on our goals, our solar plexus chakra may be blocked or unbalanced. We can lack motivation and drive, and feel beset by frustration and disappointment.
In our relationships it can cause us to struggle drawing and maintaining healthy boundaries.
Core Radiance is designed to fire up the immense energy held in your core. It uses a complex series of frequencies to retune and align the solar plexus chakra with both gamma and alpha brainwaves. This unique sequence of brainwave patterns works to ignite your core like a furnace of personal power, unstoppable confidence, and energy!
4) Loving Harmony – Heart Chakra Activator
Your heart chakra is right where you would expect to be, right in the middle of your chest. It’s associated with love, compassion, forgiveness, and kindness. It is said to be the energetic bridge between the physical and spiritual aspects of our being. It houses the energy we use to express and receive love and kindness with others.
This chakra often becomes blocked after we go through relationship troubles, or when we feel betrayed or mistreated by someone we loved or trusted.
Signs of a blocked or unbalanced heart chakra include difficulty giving and receiving love, a fear of intimacy or affection, a lack of empathy, and even apathy about life in general. We may find it hard to forgive, or we hold grudges and get stuck in feelings of anger and resentment. We can feel distrustful of others, and end up feeling lonely and isolated.
We designed Loving Harmony to heal all of the above. This 20 minute low alpha-focused soundtrack uses Variable Beat Technology to support healthy Heart Rate Variability (HRV), a key biomarker of healthy heart function. Alpha has been shown to be helpful in calming and soothing the heart, reducing limbic activity, and helping reduce high blood pressure.
Low alpha brain wave patterns have been associated with experiences of love, calmness, and peace. Mediating in alpha can create more emotional depth and connection, and help open blocks in the heart chakra, freeing up the energies of love, forgiveness, and compassion.
5) Clear & True – Throat Chakra Activator
The throat chakra is located at the base of the neck. It’s associated with communication and authentic self-expression. We know how powerful our words can be, especially in our relationships with others. Our ability to communicate clearly and honestly depends on a healthy throat chakra.
When the throat chakra is unbalanced or blocked, we can find it hard to express our thoughts and feelings. We can be shy, hesitant to speak up or join in conversation with others. Problems with the throat chakra can cause us to speak too much or hold too much back.
Sometimes it can cause others to see us as being very quiet or reserved, and we can avoid social situations for fear of having to engage in conversation or interact with others.
Interestingly, there are a number of frequencies associated with the throat chakra. To design Clear & True we’ve used both 741 Hz and 384 Hz along with a slow and steady Holosync entrainment sequence that targets a shallow and soothing light theta state, ideal for releasing constricting energy around the throat chakra area.
Listening regularly to Clear & True can help tune and balance the throat chakra, helping you improve your ability to express yourself clearly and authentically.
Plus, to help improve your communication, we’ve included Centerpointe’s proprietary Lateral Carrier Boost to help synchronize neuroelectrical activity between the two hemispheres of the brain!
6) Brilliant Clarity – Third Eye Chakra Activator
The third eye chakra is located on your forehead, right between and slightly above your eyebrows. This is the center of your wisdom, intuition, knowledge, and imagination. We depend on a healthy third eye chakra for clarity of thought, focus, and mental stamina.
When the third eye chakra is unbalanced or blocked, we can have trouble making decisions, struggle with poor memory, and lack intuitive wisdom. We can also find ourselves stuck in old routines and unable to embrace new ideas or concepts. We can become resistant to things that challenge our established beliefs and ideas and have trouble digesting new information.
Problems like headaches, sinus infections, and sleeping problems have been associated with blocks in the third eye chakra.
Meditation, especially with Holosync, is ideal for restoring energy and balance to the third eye chakra. Brilliant Clarity is an alpha training track that combines a potent carrier signal with two dips into low alpha to spark your intuition and improve mental flexibility. With Brilliant Clarity, you can break up the blocks in the third eye chakra to release the powers of imagination and insight commonly associated with deep, trance-like meditation.
7) Infinite Enlightenment – Crown Chakra Activator
The crown chakra is at the very top of your head, the pinnacle of the seven chakras. It’s associated with universal consciousness, spiritual connection, and transcendent experience. It’s also said to house energies related to purpose and meaning. Those with rich spiritual lives or a strong sense of wonder and connection to elements of the divine, have healthy crown chakras.
When the crown chakra is blocked or unbalanced, we can lack a sense of connection to higher wisdom, become cynical about life, and focus only on material needs while ignoring our spiritual development and health. We can feel “off” or like we’re not fully present in our own lives. A blocked crown chakra can cause us to feel a lack of meaning, and feel unsure about our purpose in life.
Sometimes the crown chakra can become overactive, causing us to become preoccupied with material or superficial things while neglecting our deeper self-care needs.
We created Infinite Enlightenment to stimulate and balance the crown chakra using the power of sound. It’s an extremely powerful meditation tool designed to activate and cleanse the crown chakra with consistent use.
Infinite Enlightenment includes two spikes into the gamma brainwave state. Gamma is associated with feelings of joy, compassion, euphoria, clarity of mind, and mystical experiences.
Infinite Enlightenment also includes our proprietary Lateral Carrier Boost to increase synchronous neuroelectrical activity between the hemispheres. This increase in bilateral brain activity means better focus, memory, and optimal mental performance. This is a unique audio meditation like no other!
A Special Offer Just for You:
7 Tracks for Only $99
Let’s be honest—there are plenty of programs out there promising to balance your chakras. But you won’t find anything that combines the ancient wisdom of chakra healing with the scientifically proven power of Holosync technology. This unique fusion creates a program that’s not just effective—it’s transformative.
And here’s the best part: You can get all seven of these powerful soundtracks for just $99.
That’s right—for only 27 cents a day, you can have the tools to transform your health, happiness, and overall well-being.
Imagine what just 20 minutes a day could do for your life:
- Wake up every morning feeling refreshed and full of energy.
- Navigate your day with a sense of calm and clarity, no matter what challenges arise.
- Feel more connected to yourself and the world around you, with a deep sense of purpose and peace.
- Finally, break free from the cycle of stress, anxiety, and negative emotions that have been holding you back.
- Achieve heightened focus and increased productivity, empowering you to excel in your personal and professional endeavors.
- Enjoy deeper, more restorative sleep, ensuring you wake up revitalized and ready to embrace each new day.
- Boost your overall vitality and immune resilience, keeping you healthy and energized no matter what life brings your way.
But act fast! This special offer won’t last long, and once it’s gone, it’s gone.
Experience the Power of Chakra Healing
Over 2.2 million people have already transformed their lives with Centerpointe’s Holosync technology. Now it’s your turn to experience the power of sound healing and chakra activation.
Order Now and Get Instant Access
Order the Chakra Energy Activator Suite today & you’ll get instant access to all seven tracks, so you can start your journey to health, harmony, and enlightenment right away.
Here’s to your journey of healing, balance, and profound transformation.
To Your Vibrant Health,
MaryEllen Tribby
CEO, Centerpointe Research Institute