Life Principles Integration Process 📞


Life Principles Integration Process 📞

(4 customer reviews)


In his own illuminating style, Bill Harris walks you through the psychology of “reality,” the power to change your life, and the tools vital to your success.

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Are you feeling powerless over chaotic circumstances?

Please let me show you how you can . . .

Choose what the events in your life mean…

Choose how you behave…

Choose how you feel…

Dear Friend,

Does it feel to you as though the world has tipped upside down, that chaos and fear are ruling your life?

You are not alone! We are suddenly living in tumultuous times and the world will never look the same again. 

The ONE THING you have total control over is your own mind. 

I urge you to let our founder, Bill Harris, help you take a deep dive into your INNER world, so that you can come out of the chaos…

…stronger, better and more emotionally resilient than ever before.

This is the perfect time to dig deep, rise up and bring out the best in yourself… 

…psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.

Hello, my name is MaryEllen Tribby.

I have the privilege and honor as serving as the CEO of Centerpointe Research Institute, and I want to share something really extraordinary with you today.

As it turns out, Bill was an avid brain science researcher and a fearless traveler into the deep and powerful realms of human psychology. 

He eventually changed his own life, and millions of other lives across the world.

Bill’s tireless efforts and endless studies paid off in a HUGE way. After a long time coming in 1989, he invented Holosync. This neuro-audio technology has since changed over 2.2 million lives across the world. Bill went on to become…

…one of the worlds’ foremost thought leaders in the field of personal development and a highly sought-after speaker, teacher and mentor.

But even that wasn’t enough for Bill. He wanted to give more, a lot more.

So one day, several years ago, he decided to pour everything he knew about helping people get what they want in life (and drop the things they don’t want) into one powerful, comprehensive online course. It took him months and months to develop and refine this extraordinary course. He called it the:

Life Principles Integration Process

And it’s simply mind-blowing. This online course (LPIP, as we call it) will allow you to:

  • Master your Internal Map of Reality, allowing you to make happiness, inner peace, and personal success a choice—no matter what your present or past circumstances…
  • Eliminate hidden beliefs and other mental programs that sabotage you from getting what you want…
  • Focus your mind with laser-beam clarity and intensity so you can achieve your goals and creatively solve your problems…
  • Eliminate fear, doubt and worry from your life…
  • Turn any failure or adversity into an even greater success…
  • Experience tantalizing ah-ha! moments about who you really are, why you’re here—and look deeply into the age-old question “what’s it all about?”
  • Learn an amazingly simple way to instantly drop self-sabotage…
  • And many more super-powerful and super-effective personal growth and success secrets and strategies…

I Guarantee You Have Never Experienced Anything Like This!

Over the last 16 years, over 108,000 people have participated in the Life Principles Integration Process.

This program will show you how to gain conscious control over many key aspects of your life that are usually unconscious—and which may be holding you back from being happier and more effective.

What’s more, I can prove it!

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Success Story

“I think this LPIP course is an absolute gem — an incredibly powerful, invaluable tool for transforming your life, a brilliant masterpiece, a true gift.”

~ Nicole

Let me explain something Bill taught me that changed my life forever:

Most people, sadly, are little more than automatic response mechanisms, dealing with most of what comes their way unconsciously. Such people create their life…

…largely outside their conscious awareness.

But here’s the deal: Running your life unconsciously works great—if your Internal Map of Reality is programmed to deliver the results you want.

Which is, unfortunately, quite rare.

To one degree or another, most people create a fair amount of unhappiness, anxiety, failure, self-sabotage, and lack of personal fulfillment.

Some create a lot of it.

And frankly, this drove Bill bananas. He knew he could help people stop sabotaging themselves, and create the awareness they need to make the right choices in life, such as:

  • How You Feel…
  • How You Behave (Or Sometimes Fail To Behave)…
  • Which People And Situations You Attract Or Become Attracted To…
  • What Meanings You Assign To What Happens…

Everyone wants to have more choice, of course. However, there’s something else about choice that is absolutely amazing:

Once you have a choice, you’ll always choose what serves you, and drop what doesn’t!

Think about that for a moment. Awareness—because it creates choice—provides a way to get rid of the problems you’re unconsciously creating! (Trust me on this—you’re creating most of them.)

When you become aware of your own internal mental processes, you see (often for the first time) how the choices you make and the results you experience come from something in you—not from external circumstances.

This means you can change these results, if you want to!

There are two steps to this process:

  • First, you must increase your awareness.
  • Second, you must direct that awareness to the part of your mind that creates those four things I listed above: How you feel, how you behave, which people and situations you attract or become attracted to, and what the events of your life mean.

Nothing helps you faster and easier than the Life Principles Integration Process (LPIP, as you’ll get used to saying)! 

The LPIP is a series of three online courses, each with twelve 60-90 minute lessons. When these courses were first launched, over 900 participants signed up in the first hour. Can you imagine? That’s four people per second!

As you can see from the Success Stories, people are blown away by what they learned. And, these are just a small fraction of over 15,000 letters we’ve received…so far.

In these online lessons, Bill teaches each principle, in detail, and explains exactly how to master it. Several lessons also include easy quizzes and interesting and informative cheat sheets designed to help you assess how your own Internal Map of Reality…

…is creating your life.

You’ll be shocked by what you learn! 

In addition, each lesson contains resource guides that ensure mastery, making sure that you’re the boss of your own life–no one else.

You really do gain the ability to have choice about how you feel, act and behave—no matter what your past or present circumstances! 

Once you can do this, you’ve got it made!

Not only that—if you read the rave reviews on this page from those who have taken these courses, you’ll see that Bill has been able to successfully teach many others how to create what they want.

He can teach it to you, too!

Bill didn’t tend to brag about his many accomplishments in life. He described himself as “quite an ordinary fellow who was fortunate enough, and persistent enough, to…

…find the secrets that allow any person to take his or her life from wherever it is now to a point where anything is possible.”

Success Story

“Wow, you are not kidding when you say you really want to help. I knew that already though. Thank you so much. You, your program, and your teachings have changed my life completely.”

~ Lee

Plus, Bill added something else to these courses to help you master this material and use it in your life:

You can have unlimited email access to a personal mentor to ask anything you want about the course material!

We call this the Gold Level, and though it’s a lot of extra work and personal attention, I’m offering it because I want to make absolutely sure that you understand everything Bill will be teaching you, and that you really can…

…implement all of it into your life.

PLUS you get the complete Q&A Archive that houses Bill’s greatest insights and wisdom that answer thousands of student questions.

For a discounted price, you can have the Silver Level, where you won’t have a personal mentor, but you have access to thousands of students’ questions (and Bill’s answers) for each lesson, categorized by topic.

This is a truly amazing archive of valuable, life-changing insights!

It isn’t enough that you understand this information on a theoretical level. Simply “knowing” the information won’t give you the lifelong changes Bill was determined to help you make. Knowing isn’t the same as awareness.

For most people, mastering this material means discovering the unconscious blocks that make it difficult to really change their thinking and their actions…

…to match the thoughts and actions of those who are already
getting the results they want.

Once you adopt these more resourceful ways of thinking and acting, the results you want will flow to you…

…almost effortlessly.

You don’t have to go through life in pain, in frustration, and repetitive patterns that don’t serve you. Instead, decide to make fundamental, positive changes in your own life. I urge you in the strongest way possible to participate in this online course.

Success Story

“Just want to take a moment to thank you so very much for all that you share with us. Your heart, time, attentiveness to detail… I have never participated in a course (even at college!) where the information was so well organized and so accessible. You have beautifully broken this down so that any person of any educational level can understand it. I can
readily see that if I don’t progress…it’s my fault. Thank you!”

~ Mary F.

What You Get With the Life Principles Integration Process

Three courses (I’ll describe each one in detail in a moment) each with 12 lessons. 

You’ll receive a new, comprehensive lesson every two weeks. You also have access to complete Lesson Notes, which makes reviewing any lesson super easy.

And whether you choose the Gold or Silver level, you get access to all the written questions asked by the participants who’ve gone before you, along with Bill’s answers—a treasure trove of wisdom that makes understanding and mastering the material even easier.

Between lessons, you’ll fulfill fascinating assignments (which can be done in as little as a few minutes a day). These assignments are designed to give you further insights into how the material applies to you and to how you create your life.

This isn’t like the homework you did at school. Why? Because it’s about you, and how you create your life…

…which makes it even more purposeful!

And, at any time (with the Gold Level), you can correspond with your personal mentor by email if you need extra help. You can take as long as you need to complete each lesson, and you can go back and review any lesson at any time. The lessons are available to you forever, as long as you want to continue to review them.

Many people have taken these courses three or more times, finding deeper and deeper meaning each time.


The powerful material you’ll learn in the LPIP courses work. In fact, they work so well—for everyone who applies them—we can absolutely guarantee it. 

So if you don’t think this is the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself, we’ll refund your entire tuition.

Note: I’m not guaranteeing your part: Your motivation, whether you like Bill, agree with Bill, approve of the way Bill teaches, or how the course is laid out, etc.

This is my promise to you:

I’m guaranteeing the courses and the results they’ll create for you. I’m guaranteeing that if you do each lesson, do the homework, and take the action steps Bill suggests, that…

…you’ll get all the benefits I’m describing here.

If you do all of this (and can show us that you did), and you don’t get the results I’m promising, we’ll cheerfully give your money back.

Okay, let’s take a look at each of the courses and what you’ll learn.

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Online Course #1:
The Map of Reality Expander

This course is designed to help you become conscious of what Bill calls your Internal Map of Reality. This is the internal processing system you use to create every result and every internal or external experience in your life. Bill will teach you how you can use your Internal Map to make the changes that will allow you to consciously and deliberately…

…create happiness, inner peace and personal success.

Bill helps you take apart each aspect of your Map of Reality, discover what works and what doesn’t, and then put it back together again in a way that allows you to create the results you want.

Success Story

“Already I am getting more than I could have expected from this course. This personal correspondence is making the price seem to be a giveaway. The wisdom of your words resonates very deeply with me and your encouragement is inspiring
me in a way I haven’t felt in a long time.”

~ Harry F.

You’ll go from automatically and unconsciously creating your life, to consciously and intentionally choosing each result—and making it a reality.

Here’s the key point:

Awareness Creates Choice.

What you create outside your awareness runs on autopilot—which is okay as long as your Internal Map is programmed to create resourceful outcomes. But what about those areas of life that aren’t working so well?

These areas are going to continue to be a problem for you as long as you’re creating them outside your awareness. You will see for yourself how you’re creating outcomes you don’t want, and with enough awareness…

…and you just can’t keep doing those unresourceful things!

Do you see how this works? What you do with awareness becomes a choice and then you naturally (and instantly) choose to drop what doesn’t work and replace it with what does.

Success Story

“Wow! I could feel my feelings and not feel enslaved to them. In particular, during a rough spot with my partner, I could hear him with compassion and want him to move through
his discomfort, but not need to control it. I suspect this is the tip of the iceberg
and am pretty excited to imagine what life might
start to be like for me. Thanks!”

~ Pam

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Online Course #2:
The Accelerated Change Maximizer

While the Internal Map of Reality Expander (Course #1) is about the world created by your mind and how, in mastering it, you can create the life you want…

…the Accelerated Change Maximizer (Course #2) is about the world BEYOND your mind. Your mind is creating an elaborate reality, but when you gain enough awareness to set aside the mind and see things without filtering it through the mind, you become aware of…

…something else.

You begin to see things about how the universe works that you can’t see when looking through the mind. And among the things you see are certain natural laws that nearly all people resist…

…even though there’s really no way to successfully resist them.

This creates much human suffering (including yours). Resisting these fundamental laws is like swimming upstream against life itself.

The Accelerated Change Maximizer is about how to become aware of and get in tune with these laws, which dramatically reduces your suffering and increases your effectiveness.

Those who’ve taken this course absolutely rave about what it’s done for their awareness of the BIG PICTURE of what life is all about, allowing you to see (and feel) how you are intimately connected to this giant and infinite universe.

I can’t wait for you to have this information, because I know it will clear up many questions you’ve had about who you are, why you’re here, what it’s all about, what spiritual growth is about, what enlightenment is…and a lot more.

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Online Course #3:
The Success Solution

After these first two courses you’re at least on the way to mastering the world of the mind, and to getting yourself in tune with the world beyond the mind.

Course #3, The Success Solution, answers this question:

How then, from that perspective, do you go out into the world and create a fulfilling life that makes a difference? How do you take everything in the first two courses and use it to effectively achieve the results you want in the world?

There’s a certain way that people who create the results they want think and act—and in this course, I’m going to tell you exactly what it is, and how to adopt it.

Success Story

“Bill, this third course so far has been fantastic! You are so genuine and inspiring to all of us. This has truly been one of the best classes I have ever taken! 
It has been worth every dime. Thank you!”

~ Madelyn

And, quite frankly, all of this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Bill struggled for years to become the kind of person he wanted to be, perfecting real-life practices that bring tangible, measurable results, for more than three decades. He went from being absolutely miserable and discouragingly ineffective to being…

…happy, centered and peaceful, and able to create
any accomplishment he dreamed of.

You can learn to do the same. 

I promise. 

All you need is to know is what to do, and be committed to doing it. And that is exactly what LPIP will do for you!

…and you just can’t keep doing those unresourceful things!

Success Story

“Looking over the events in my life while taking this course, I’m astounded at how far I’ve come. Too many miracles to even tell you. I have changed circumstances in my lifethat were energy-draining and now find myself in a worry-free zone daring to try what I wouldn’t have tried before – and succeeding!”

~ Vicki S.

If you’re really serious about changing your life and finally becoming the person you crave to be, now’s your chance.

With LPIP you’ll learn the real, practical steps that will take everything in your life to a higher level. If you want to begin consciously creating exactly what you want—rather than settling for whatever your Internal Map of Reality creates unconsciously—then LPIP is for you!

And, right now you can enroll in the Life Principles Integration Process courses I’ve described here at a special—and incredibly low—price.

If you’re still not convinced, I have 7 extra bonuses for you that you will LOVE.

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Three bonus lessons about life scripts, based on the work of one of Bill Harris’s personal idols, Dr. Eric Berne (author of Games People Play), showing how your early influences created your Internal Map of Reality, and how you can change your script to one that serves you better (valued at $59, yours free with registration)

BONUS #2 – #4:

A digital copy of each course (complete course material on a thumb drive). Usually sold to students at the completion of each LPIP course ($139 each, $417 for all three, free upon course completion)


A collection of Bill’s articles about the topics in the second LPIP course, called Oneness Isn’t Metaphysical (sells for $59, free upon course completion)


Another collection of articles about the stages of human development, Unfolding Perspectives. This is crucial information for anyone who wants to understand themselves, and why human beings are the way they are (sells for $59, free upon course completion)


Bill’s live, 2-day special event for LPIP students, on video. You can look in and learn everything they learned (sells for $199, free upon course completion)

That’s $793.00 worth of bonuses, absolutely FREE!

Unless your life is already everything you want it to be, there’s really no valid excuse to not be a part of this amazing series of courses—especially given the huge discount I’m offering.

Bill was an amazing mentor to me, personally, as well as to millions across the world. To be able to continue his legacy, and bring this extraordinary course to you at this incredibly low price, literally brings tears to me eyes.

You owe it to yourself to take a look now.


MaryEllen Tribby

Centerpointe CEO

P.S. Here is what a few other LPIP lovers have to say about their amazing results:

Success Story

“I absolutely love your impeccable program. You’ve summed up just about everything that I’ve heard from many other tapes and books, but they did not hand you the formula
for the answers the way in which you did. Bright Blessings”

~ Janet G.

Success Story

“WOW. I just listened to Lesson 1 of this second course, and I must say I am very excited
to be participating in the next 6 months. I look forward to the challenge. I have been
a student of metaphysics for many years and understand on a theoretical basis
what you are talking about, but I will now gain something on a more
daily experiential level. Thank you for sharing this with me.”

~ Billy

Success Story

“I really like the way that this course is set up, i.e. downloadable lesson and notes. I’ve
listened to the lesson twice and having the notes to follow along has been
very helpful as well. Your notes/outline is very good and allows me to
listen along quite effectively. Looking forward to
the next lesson! Thanks.”

~ Terry I.

Success Story

“The course is definitely helping me, and I’m sure many others, immensely. I appreciate how
you hammer home the same message from many different angles. In my opinion,
the material you are teaching is the most important subject on the planet.
Please keep up the great work.”

~ Lee

Success Story

“Thank you very much for these three courses. The information is very well researched &
detailed. You have a wealth of knowledge & experience and thanks for generously
sharing it with us. As a result of these courses, I’m more self-aware, and I’ve
become more motivated, focused, and goal oriented. I have learned
heaps and had many AHA moments…”

~ Winnie M.


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Course Color

Gold, Silver

4 reviews for Life Principles Integration Process 📞

  1. Winnie M.

    Thank you very much for these three courses. The information is very well researched &
    detailed. You have a wealth of knowledge & experience and thanks for generously
    sharing it with us. As a result of these courses, I’m more self-aware, and I’ve
    become more motivated, focused, and goal oriented. I have learned
    heaps and had many AHA moments…

  2. Terry I.

    I really like the way that this course is set up, i.e. downloadable lesson and notes. I’ve
    listened to the lesson twice and having the notes to follow along has been
    very helpful as well. Your notes/outline is very good and allows me to
    listen along quite effectively. Looking forward to
    the next lesson! Thanks.

  3. Lee

    The course is definitely helping me, and I’m sure many others, immensely. I appreciate how
    you hammer home the same message from many different angles. In my opinion,
    the material you are teaching is the most important subject on the planet.
    Please keep up the great work.

  4. Suk-Yee Childs

    I have also just completed Bill’s Life Principles Integration Process course. They have helped me become a person that is more aware, in touch with what I want and what I am. A big shift was standing up for myself, in a non defensive way, with close family members (something I would have never done in the past). So thank you, Centerpointe and Bill. I will continue to work at the life principles you’ve taught me and become the person that I am.

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