Total Trauma Relief đź“ž

Total Trauma Relief đź“ž


A powerful Holosync collection to help you heal and release negative emotions, memories, and thoughts tied to trauma-based experiences. Includes unlimited 1-on-1 coaching.

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If Your Sense of Security is Shattered, If You Suffer From Numbness,
Anxiety & Hopelessness, Chances Are Trauma Has Taken Over Your Life 

Well it’s Time to Get Rid of The Stigma & Shame And Finally Get the Help You Deserve!


Dear Friend,

Too many of us have been living in secret shame for way too long.

We have been living in the misery and memories of the sexual assault, residing in a crime-ridden neighborhood, battling a life-threatening illness or experiencing traumatic events that occur repeatedly, such as bullying, domestic violence, or childhood neglect and abuse.

We go about our day wearing a mask that hides our true, painful feelings.

We feel like we’re living with a wound so big and raw that’s never been able to close. And even though we are the victims, the embarrassment and shame stops us from moving forward. 

If you’re like millions of others who are tired of restless nights haunted by agonizing memories of the past…

…I want you to know,  you don’t have to resign yourself to this painful reality!

There is a way out of the darkness, no matter how hopeless you feel right now.

Everyone Deserves The Opportunity to Heal

Feeling safe and secure is a God-given right.

It shouldn’t be reserved for the wealthy and powerful. Yet it seems that everyday folks like you and me suffer these traumatic events that often involve a threat to our life and safety.

And dammit – it’s not right!

You see, any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and isolated can result in trauma, even if it doesn’t involve physical harm. It’s not the objective circumstances that determine whether an event is traumatic, but your subjective emotional experience of the event. The more frightened and helpless you feel, the more likely you are to be traumatized.

And this unresolved past trauma is holding you back. It’s undermining you from falling in love, laughing with your friends, growing in your career. But mostly, it’s making you feel worthless.

Yes, it’s that severe. 

We know trauma isn’t just a few bad memories. It can eat you up inside, take away your sense of safety, cause you to feel uncomfortable even when you’re safe, damage your self-esteem, and more. 

Yes, trauma is hard to heal. But we know it’s possible because we’ve been watching it happen for more than 30 years. In that time we’ve seen over and over how Holosync works miracles in the lives of those suffering from trauma – helping them find a way out of the pain and suffering. 

There are so many examples of folks who were at the end of their rope – who had almost given up on life, but then completely bounced back thanks to Holosync. Their lives completely changed and they were able to heal from even the most challenging emotional wounds.

The power of Holosync is like nothing else.

Doctors, scientists, and personal growth experts all agree: 

“I have been a huge fan of Holosync for many years.  Holosync soothes peoples’ minds, it helps them focus, and it begins to take down that busy nervous system that so many people have. If you do the right thing your brain can be better. You are not stuck with the brain you have – you can make it better.”

-Dr. Daniel Amen M.D.

“Holosync should be part of everybody’s personal growth program, to take themselves from where they are to where they want to be, in terms of living a fulfilling, transcendent, successful, abundant life.”

-Jack Canfield

Creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

“Bill Harris has created one of the most effective and powerful tools for enhancing the brain. I’ve used it for decades …and have encouraged thousands of people to use it, too.”

-John Assaraf

Founder of NeuroGym

Just listen to what these real Holosync users say about the life-changing power of Holosync: 

“I have been through some absolutely appalling depressions. I was far more ill than I would admit. My partner and various friends urged me to seek help.I didn’t particularly want to be alive anymore. It just didn’t seem worth the bother. 

Since using holosync I’ve experienced a complete turnaround. I actually like being alive now, and  look forward to seeing what’s around the corner, and how it’s all going to unfold. Life seems exciting and chock full of rich opportunities.”


“Since starting the program I have to report that the anxiety and depression issues I have dealt with since my traumatic childhood have begun to abate. I no longer wake up with that churning sensation in my gut and my mood is lighter and my thinking clearer. I can’t wait to see what the future holds as I progress through the program. God bless you all.”

-Bob P.

“I’ve followed your instructions to the letter and I have to confess, I feel better.

This is the first year of my life that I feel there is hope for me in all areas.  My true friendships have improved.  I’m making more money but at the same time having more fun making it.  My relationship with my wife and son is improving,  I was almost to the point of losing them.  My job seems to be something I enjoy more instead of being something I have to do.  I feel better about the world knowing that I’m creating it as I go,  instead of wanting to die because I feel useless in a world that doesn’t give a s%$# about me.

 Thank you. You helped me save my life.”


In order to begin the healing process and finally get rid of the suffering that trauma has wrought upon your life, you need to do two things:

Step One: believe you deserve to heal. 

Step Two: believe in Holosync.

Do those two things and just like countless other Holosync users, you’ll heal and grow through your trauma and come out the other side confident, happy, and stronger with the will to live your best life.

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How Does Holosync Help With Trauma?

Holosync addresses trauma in three key ways:

1. Holosync Soothes Hyperarousal by Targeting the Limbic System

Trauma often comes with a terrible side effect: 

Your brain can get stuck in a near constant state of “red alert,” hypervigilant, always scanning the environment for threats and dangers. 

As a result, it can be almost impossible to relax. 

You become constantly reactive, tense, jumpy, nervous and anxious. 

This is called hyperarousal.

It’s the primary defining symptom of PTSD, and it’s a devastating way to live.

For some military veterans, especially those who’ve served in combat, this hyper-aroused state plagues their lives, decimating their mental, emotional, and physical health even years after returning home.

But you don’t have to serve in combat situations to suffer with the same kind of PTSD conditions. 

Physical or emotional abuse, exposure to violence, sudden loss or tragedy, or living through a natural disaster are just a few of the experiences that can lead to this hyperarousal post-traumatic state. 

And what most people don’t understand about hyperarousal is that there may not be a particular event that caused it.

That’s because even if you haven’t suffered from an obvious traumatic event…

…if you live under long-term stress, you can also suffer from chronic hyperarousal. 

Studies show that the COVID19 pandemic created unparallelled amounts of stress across the globe…

…leading to an unprecedented number of folks contracting chronic hyperarousal.

This is important to note because mental health researchers now believe that even what’s considered “non-traumatic stress” can, over time, result in many of the same symptoms those with severe PTSD experience. 

People with hyperaroused brains: 

  • Are at greater risk for hypertension, stroke, and heart attack
  • Suffer from nightmares, flashbacks, or night terrors
  • Suffer with heightened anxiety and depression
  • Suffer from a weakened immune system
  • Have trouble controlling their emotions
  • Are highly sensitive to sensory stimuli
  • Get more headaches and migraines
  • Exhibit risky behaviors
  • Have overactive adrenal function
  • Struggle to communicate clearly
  • Struggle with memory and recall
  • Are irritable and reactive
  • Have difficulty sleeping
  • Have trouble focusing
  • Feel jittery and edgy

This is sad and cruel and no one deserves to live like this.

But this is the unfortunate reality for many people who’ve suffered acute or chronic trauma in life, those who were affected by the pandemic, and those who live anxiety-ridden, demanding, stressful lives. 

So, how does Holosync eliminate hyperarousal?

Holosync targets the part of the brain most affected by it…

…the limbic system. 

The limbic system is one of the oldest parts of the brain that was crucial in humanity’s survival thousands of years ago.

It handles our “fight or flight” response and distinguishes between painful and pleasurable sensations. 

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The limbic system helps us know how to respond quickly to different situations, but it also helps us categorize those situations on a moment-by-moment basis. 

For example, the limbic system can tell the difference between running in a 400 meter race versus running away from a dangerous threat. That’s why we experience two very distinct sets of emotions despite being engaged in the same activity in both scenarios. 

In fact, the limbic system’s most important role is in regulating our emotional responses. 

When there’s a problem with the limbic system, it often manifests as emotional sensitivity or disorders where emotions are poorly regulated or managed. 

The bottom line: A calm and stable limbic system keeps us emotionally healthy and mentally strong. 

But in the hyperaroused or traumatized brain, the limbic system is overactive, stressed, always in “fight or flight” mode, as though a fire alarm is clanging away inside, day and night. 

An overactive limbic system has trouble distinguishing between real and perceived threats, and begins to treat nearly all stimuli, even benign ones, as potential dangers. 

So, how can you re-balance the limbic system so that it’s not sounding the alarm day and night?

Research shows that mindfulness meditation practices are extremely effective at calming the limbic system, thereby reducing the problems associated with hyperarousal. 

But there’s the big challenge.

People with overactive limbic systems find it difficult to relax enough to benefit from any meditation.

Try as they might to close their eyes and relax, their limbic systems are telling them that there’s danger right behind them. 

As a result, these folks become even more irritated and frustrated when they “fail” at meditating. They feel ashamed at their lack of control they have over their mental state, and many give up on mindfulness meditation altogether.

That’s where Holosync comes in. 

Holosync is an extremely effective tool that comforts the hyperaroused brain.

It reduces activity in the limbic system, causing the brain to easily drop out of hyperarousal. 

Finally – anyone can get a relaxing and deep state meditation even if you’ve tried and failed before through conventional methods. 

With Holosync, there’s no need to “clear your mind” or replay or relive past memories.

That’s because as soon as the limbic system calms, it becomes easier for the listener to release unconscious attachments to the old, previously unresolved, material. 

With continued use, Holosync trains the limbic system to be less reactive, less stressed, less prone to feelings of anxiousness, anger, and sadness. 

This means that:

  • Your blood pressure and hormones become balanced
  • You make better decisions and are more successful
  • Communication and relationships improve
  • Your emotions become easy to control
  • Your immune system rejuvenates
  • Anxiety and depression fade
  • You feel worthy and joy

Soon, the night terrors disappear. You wake up refreshed and calm and ready for the day. You feel energized like you can take on the world. 

You have more days filled with happiness, where you can be happy in your own skin. 

You’ll finally stop living in a perpetual survival mode. You’ll finally be able to stop resisting your past, your own reactions to that past.

Once you can stop fighting with what you think is yourself, you can finally be at peace.

This is the first key to healing from trauma.

And it’s all by simply listening to Holosync for a few minutes each day. 

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2. Holosync Raises Your Stress Threshold

What causes the limbic system to go into overdrive in the first place?

You see, every single person has a breaking point – and everyone’s is different.

That means we all have our own personal thresholds for how much stress we can handle before we break; this can vary from day-to-day.

And when stress exceeds that threshold, we feel lost, out of control, in perpetual panic. 

That’s why some days you can barely get out of bed, and on others you can’t stop crying. Just trying to dodge the many triggers can be agonizing because when we’re over our threshold, we become reactive, angry, fearful, and just plain numb.

When we’ve suffered trauma, our threshold for stress often becomes damaged, thin, and weakened. That’s not our fault; it’s another consequential link in a chain of negative effects trauma causes.  

When your threshold is weak it’s like a pressure cooker; the stress inside us begins to boil and we can quickly find ourselves struggling to cope. 

It’s here where we make matters worse. To combat the feelings of self-harm, vengeance, hopelessness, and worse, we turn to and rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms ranging from cigarettes to alcohol, sex addiction and even hours of endless scrolling through social media. 

Virtually anything to distract or diminish the intensity of our overwhelming feelings. 

So what can we do when our threshold is low and weak? 

Instead of thinking that taking a hot bath, having a cup of tea, or watching the latest rom-com is going to solve the problem…

…what if we could treat a thin and weak threshold the same way we treat a thin and weak body – through conditioning and training?

What if we could recondition the threshold like an injured muscle through physical therapy… 

To gently train and strengthen it so that it’s less susceptible to environmental stressors, big or small? 

That’s exactly what Holosync is designed to do!

Holosync’s proprietary technology does something no other form of neuro-audio technology can do. 

While other forms of neuro-audio technology merely alter brain waves, Holosync does more.

It strengthens your compromised threshold. 

It is a “neural driver,” meaning it can gently condition your brain with enough stimulus to prompt the brain to adapt and grow. 

This is similar to how your physical body – even a body that’s been weakened by injury or illness – can be strengthened though physical therapy, weight training, or other forms of exercise. 

When you exercise regularly, you’re supplying your body with more stimulus (by lifting weights, running, etc) than your body is used to doing. And with the proper amount of exercise, your body will adapt and grow in response. 

Muscles become stronger, joints become more flexible, the heart and lungs function better, excess fat is burned away. In short, you get a fit, strong, and healthy body. 

The brain works the same way.

Using Holosync is like taking your brain to the gym, leading to stronger mental and emotional fitness. Except, you get to do Holosync from the comfort of your home and with just a push of a button – it’s that easy!

This leads to a stronger and more resilient stress threshold. 

Just as someone who exercises regularly sees their endurance and stamina increase, so too do Holosync listeners find their own mental and emotional resilience improve as their threshold for handling stress goes up. 

This is invaluable to someone who has suffered with any kind of trauma. 

Healing and releasing the old unresolved mental and emotional toxins from the past is important. But when you can simultaneously strengthen the stress threshold, your mental and emotional health improves in truly remarkable ways. 

A stronger stress threshold means more mental stamina and emotional durability. 

It means stress doesn’t “get” to you like it used to. 

Not because the stress is less, but because your brain is simply better equipped to handle it. 

Because of Holosync’s unique neural driving properties, you can raise your threshold to the point where you become calm, cool, and collected – even in situations that used to rattle you to the core.

This is how your trauma goes away. This is how you reclaim your joy for life, your peace of mind, your authentic self.

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3. Holosync Flushes Out Mental & Emotional Toxins

During a traumatic event, our brain is primed to respond reflexively to ensure survival. But the same line of defense that keeps us safe can also keep us trapped in cycles of traumatic memory. 

However,  our instinct is often to hide it, to bury it, to throw it in the basement, lock the door, and swallow the key.

The trauma can’t hurt me if I pretend it isn’t there.

Then we put on a mask and pretend everything is okay.

All the while, our trauma is still festering and leaching into the foundation of our subconscious.

Oftentimes our traumas have been successfully “forgotten” and hidden away for decades. 

But they aren’t really gone. 

They’ve just mutated into counterproductive coping mechanisms like alcoholism, negative self-esteem, unhealthy dependence, trust issues, or a whole host of other bad habits, thoughts or feelings.

And sometimes the trauma has been so repressed into the depths of the unconscious that it’s almost impossible to figure out the original unresolved event that caused the trauma in the first place.

Now most therapists and doctors will tell you that…

…merely bringing up and confronting difficult memories is usually not enough to heal them. 

And this is absolutely true!

However, it is a crucial first step in the healing process – and one that can be the most difficult.

Because if you don’t know where the wound is, how can you treat it?

That’s where Holosync really gives you an advantage.

Holosync can help you access the deepest parts of your unconscious, where that toxic unresolved trauma is hidden away, and help flush it out. 


By easing your brain into what is known as the epsilon brain wave state.

Over the past 33 years, we’ve educated millions regarding some of the more common brain wave patterns  like alpha, theta, and delta.

Holosync makes achieving these brain wave states as easy as pushing a button.

But even below the deepest of the main brain waves (delta, where we experience deep sleep) there exists a set of rare brain waves called epsilon waves.

very slow brain waves that fluctuate around 30 – 60 times slower than our normal everyday beta state. 

The extremely deep epsilon brain wave state has been associated with enhanced spiritual insights, emotional integration, and increased synchronous neuroelectrical activity. 

Researchers believe that it’s at these extremely low epsilon frequencies that the deepest and darkest repressed thoughts and memories are stored (as far away from our conscious awareness as possible). 

This includes the traumatic mental and emotional material that is sabotaging your life. 

But while epsilon waves hold great potential for healing trauma…

…it’s almost impossible for people to access this extremely deep state. 

In fact, only the most expert meditators – after years and years of strict practice – can get into the epsilon state on their own…

…a state associated with “enlightenment” and “out-of-body experiences.” 

But with Holosync, the epsilon brain wave state is yours on-demand! 

Imagine being able to easily release old, toxic trauma that’s been stored deep in the unconscious for decades. 

This is THE most life-changing, the most powerful, the most freeing outcome from using Holosync: the ability to finally heal from the trauma and emotional pain and suffering.

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A Holosync Collection Created to Heal Trauma

It’s clear that Holosync is by far the most effective solution to help you release your repressed trauma, soothe your overactive limbic system and build up your threshold for stress. In other words, to heal your trauma. 

That’s why  we’ve created the ultimate Holosync collection that’s been created from the ground up to address these three key factors when it comes to trauma.


Total Trauma Relief

Healing & Recovering from Mental & Emotional Wounds

Powered by Holosync

We’ve made it extremely easy and effective for you to completely flip the script on your personal trauma – all at your own pace and with the best tools right at your fingertips.

We’ve also gone a step further.

Along with our powerful neuro-audio Holosync technology, we’ve also incorporated our proprietary Autofonix silent-affirmation technology that embeds silent affirmations into each Holosync soundtrack.

These affirmations will help unravel the tight knot of trauma within you, combat negative self-talk, and boost your confidence.

And for the first time ever, each of the included Holosync soundtracks come with a full-length “Deep Session” version, or a shorter “Quick Session” version so that you can go at your own pace.

*All of the Holosync soundtracks in Total Trauma Relief are in Digital MP3 format so you can download them instantly and start healing right away!

Here’s what you get:

Soundtrack #1: Present & Peaceful

Perhaps you’ve heard that to truly be free from stress, you must be “in the moment.” 

That’s because most of our worries are about the future, or come from replaying the past (especially when it comes to trauma).

But if you can lock into the present moment, you’ll discover a place of centeredness and genuine peace. 

With Present & Peaceful, you can finally ease into a deeply calm and centered state where worries about the past and future fade away. 

This is all possible by getting your brain into a deep and relaxing delta brain wave state where it becomes easy to find your center of peace, serenity, and tranquility. 

You’ll find yourself automatically releasing stored up bodily tension and feelings of anxiety, all while calming your limbic system. 

Embedded behind the relaxing music and Holosync tones is a specially-chosen Autofonix affirmation script designed to help ground you in the moment and wash-away feelings of mental, emotional, and physical discomfort. 

Soundtrack #2: Release & Renew

The more impactful or extensive the trauma is in our lives, the deeper that trauma can take root.

Sometimes we even unconsciously repress – and therefore cling to – the very toxic thoughts and feelings we want to heal and release. 

We harbor the heaviest and darkest of these thoughts and feelings in the cellars of our minds, accessible only at the deepest levels of consciousness. 

But that doesn’t mean our trauma is healed or released. 

It’s still there, even if we’re rarely conscious of it. And it can still show up in dysfunctional and unhealthy ways in our lives. 

That’s why we created Release & Renew – an exceptionally-potent audio meditation session designed to help you uproot and release the deepest unresolved trauma or other negative memories, feelings, and sensations.

Release & Renew gives you on-demand access to the very deepest of all brain wave states:

The epsilon brain wave state.

The exceptionally-powerful epsilon brain waves can be up to 60 times slower than your normal waking brain wave state, and have been associated with advanced meditation effects like “out-of-body” experiences and feelings of “enlightenment.” 

This is the very first time that Centerpointe has ever offered access to the epsilon brain wave state in any of our Holosync Suites. 

Release & Renew also includes an Autofonix-embedded affirmations script designed to help you release old, repressed mental and emotional material. 

Soundtrack #3: Radiant Resilience

Resilience is, perhaps, the most important life skill. 

Being able to weather life’s storms and be strong in the face of adversity means that you have what it takes to survive and thrive, no matter what. 

But as we’ve seen, traumatic experiences can lower our resilience – our threshold for handling stress. 

But with Radiant Resilience, now you can start to build that mental fortitude and inner strength while strengthening your threshold for stress in a safe and effective way. 

This soundtrack takes your brain into the theta brain wave state, where it becomes easier for emotional rejuvenation and mental empowerment to take root and grow. 

Radiant Resilience includes an embedded Autofonix affirmation script designed to to help you strengthen your stress threshold, clarify your thoughts and feelings, balance your emotions, and empower mental fortitude. 

Soundtrack #4 (BONUS): Worry Reliever

Instead of relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms, Worry Reliever is your 9-1-1 call to sanity and serenity. 

With the bonus Worry Reliever Holosync soundtrack, you have a healthy and non-addictive alternative to flip the script on a terrible day – all in just 15 minutes. 

Worry Reliever skyrockets your brain up to a high gamma brain wave state associated with feelings of euphoria, joy, pleasure and well-being. 

And best of all, it works within minutes!

Try Worry Reliever the next time you feel overwhelmed or anxious and feel the stress disappear.

Worry Reliever uses an embedded Autofonix affirmation script designed to help you wash away worries and anxiety. 

Exclusive Bonus: Accelerated Results Coaching & Support

Trauma is almost never easy to face – especially alone.

And while Total Trauma Relief gives you all the tools you need to heal from trauma, it can be daunting to try and tackle this journey on your own.

That’s why when you sign up for Total Trauma Relief today, you’ll also gain exclusive access to our team of supportive and knowledgeable Accelerated Results Coaches. 

We know those who reach out for coaching and support heal significantly faster and bounce back stronger than those who attempt it on their own.

Our experienced and caring coaches are available to help you get the most out of your Total Trauma Relief soundtracks, provide perspective on any experiences you may have, provide tips and techniques for managing trauma, and support and encourage you along the way. 

We recommend that you contact a coach once a week via phone or email along with using your Total Trauma Relief soundtracks. You can reach out anytime you have questions. 

You don’t have to go it alone. 

We’ll be there with you every step of the way.

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Easy & Accessible Tools to Heal from Life’s Inevitable Trauma

Almost everyone will experience trauma in their lives. 

And while Holosync is not a full replacement for professional therapy…

…the reality is that not everyone has the money for a therapist.

Not everyone has the time to go to group meetings.

In fact, many folks who struggle with trauma don’t even want to leave the house.

That’s what makes Holosync such a blessing!.

With Total Trauma Relief, you finally have a tool that you can use on your time, at your pace, with FREE professional coaching just a phone call away.

Again, here’s everything you get with Total Trauma Relief:

  • 3 Main Holosync Soundtracks designed to empower your brain so that you can more easily release repressed trauma, soothe an overactive limbic system and strengthen your threshold for stress. 
  • 1 BONUS Holosync Soundtrack designed to reduce stress levels in just 15 minutes.
  • Access to Accelerated Results Coaching so you don’t have to face your trauma alone.

So if you’re tired of feeling anxious and worried all the time…

If you’re ready to finally relax and enjoy your life…

If you’re ready to love yourself unconditionally…

If you’re ready to start healing.

Then please take the first step and sign up today.

Your future self will thank you.

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3 reviews for Total Trauma Relief đź“ž

  1. Robert

    “I have been through some absolutely appalling depressions. I was far more ill than I would admit. My partner and various friends urged me to seek help.I didn’t particularly want to be alive anymore. It just didn’t seem worth the bother.
    Since using holosync I’ve experienced a complete turnaround. I actually like being alive now, and look forward to seeing what’s around the corner, and how it’s all going to unfold. Life seems exciting and chock full of rich opportunities.”

  2. Bob P.

    “Since starting the program I have to report that the anxiety and depression issues I have dealt with since my traumatic childhood have begun to abate. I no longer wake up with that churning sensation in my gut and my mood is lighter and my thinking clearer. I can’t wait to see what the future holds as I progress through the program. God bless you all.”

  3. Justin

    “I’ve followed your instructions to the letter and I have to confess, I feel better. This is the first year of my life that I feel there is hope for me in all areas. My true friendships have improved. I’m making more money but at the same time having more fun making it. My relationship with my wife and son is improving, I was almost to the point of losing them. My job seems to be something I enjoy more instead of being something I have to do. I feel better about the world knowing that I’m creating it as I go, instead of wanting to die because I feel useless in a world that doesn’t give a s%$# about me. Thank you. You helped me save my life.”

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