Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator

Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator


Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator is a powerful Holosync collection that helps improve heart & digestive health, sleep, neurochemical balance, brain resilience, and much more. Includes three 30-minute tracks and three 7-minute tracks. Digital MP3 Only.

Your Mind-Body Prescription is Finally Here!

Healing Your Mind While
Healing Your Body

Dear Friend,

Last year I read a book that changed my life!

This single book led me on an odyssey of discovery. I was obsessed as it became the biggest discovery of my life. And who would have thought that it all started with a tennis injury?

Yup, after years of playing tennis and being very physically active, my left hip finally gave out. It was at a point where if I played tennis, it would take 3 days to recover. That would be 3 days of ice packs, Advil and pain cream. Not to mention overwhelming sadness.

So in August of 2023, I decided to have total hip replacement surgery on my left hip. The surgery was smooth and I recovered quite nicely. But once I was up and walking around without a walker, something bizarre happened. I noticed severe discomfort in my right hip!

Ugh, I couldn’t wrap my brain around this.

You see, before my surgery, my surgeon showed me x-rays of both my hips. My left hip was a mess, total bone on bone. But my right hip was perfect, healthy as could be!

So now just a couple months later, why was I having discomfort in my right hip? This made no sense! After all, x-rays don’t lie – they can’t lie!

So why was there pain? Where was this pain coming from?

Having access to an elite network of medical professions, I asked around. This led me to the word:


So I read everything I could on psychosomatic pain and self healing from esteemed doctors. These were highly-regarded medical doctors from the likes of Dr. John Sarno to Dr. Andrew Weil and everyone in between. And out of the 100’s of books I devoured, this one simple line stood out like no other…

“The failure of medicine’s practitioners to recognize and appropriately treat mind-body disorders has produced public health and economic problems of major proportions in the United States.”
-Dr. John Sarno

You see, my research did not end with muscle pain, joint pain or even chronic pain. During my mind-body journey, I found out about the millions of folks with heart problems, digestive problems, hormone problems, nervous system problems, high blood pressure and more.

And it occurred to me that many of my friends, colleagues and family members were struggling with these very same health issues.

Many of them are taking medication for heart health and blood pressure. Some complain to me about their hormones being out of whack and don’t know what to do. While others tell me they are struggling with their memory and focus.

Sadly, I see this all the time.

In fact, we get thousands of folks every year reaching out to us here at Centerpointe looking for solutions to their various health problems either because they don’t have health insurance, the cost of traditional medications are too expensive (even with insurance), or they’ve tried pill after pill without success.

If you know me, then you know that I can’t leave these folks hanging.

Which is why we are pushing our meditation technology to the limit so that we can help tackle the biggest health problems that everyone will face sooner or later.

Health problems like:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Digestion problems
  • Mood imbalances
  • Cognitive decline
  • Chronic stress
  • Chronic pain
  • Diabetes

And much more!

Can meditation really help with these health issues?


In fact, once I was aware of the mind-body connection regarding my right hip, I was finally able to use the power of meditation (via our Holosync technology) to make fast & effective progress.

And now I’m pleased to say that I’m back to swinging my racket on the weekends with no problems.

You see, at the end of the day, the best protection against these life-wrecking health issues is proactive prevention – not letting them form in the first place!

But even if you’re like me, and you are already dealing with health issues like these, you CAN turn it around by addressing one key component that could be hindering your recovery.

(This is the piece of the puzzle that often gets overlooked by the medical industry.)

It’s all thanks to the power of our proprietary neuro-audio technology, Holosync!

Holosync Heals the Body

Wait a second. I thought meditation was about brain health – not body health! What gives?

Well, it turns out that your brain and your body are more connected than you think!

You see, when certain things happen in the brain, it activates different body systems. One of these crucial systems is what’s called the sympathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic nervous system is a network of nerves connecting brain and body that activate when your brain triggers the “fight or flight” response.

These nerves prime your body for survival mode and the following occurs:

  • Your heart rate increases so you can deliver oxygen through the body more quickly
  • The energy reserves in your liver are activated so you have more energy on-hand
  • Your digestion slows down and that energy is diverted to other parts of your body
  • Your airway muscles relax to improve oxygen delivery to and from the lungs
  • Your pupils enlarge so you can see threats more clearly

This helps you fend off attackers, run for your life, and give you a better chance at survival.

But the problem is, so many folks are living their lives in survival mode with their sympathetic nervous system running all day long!

You see, modern day stress from traffic on your morning commute, a forgotten bill payment, or even family drama all activate the very same part of the brain that puts you into that “fight or flight” survival mode.

This is why chronic stress is one of the most dangerous contributors to heart issues!

Not only does an overactive sympathetic nervous system lead to heart problems like elevated blood pressure, arrhythmias, type 2 diabetes, and stroke, but it also results in digestive issues, dizziness, and even sexual dysfunction.

This all starts in the brain, but it affects your major organs!

So, how can meditation help with that?

By activating the parasympathetic nervous system!

Just as the sympathetic nervous system puts your body on edge, the parasympathetic nervous system does the opposite – it takes that edge off by triggering the body’s relaxation response.

The parasympathetic nervous system is the rest and recovery system of the body that helps you repair, relax, and regulate your other systems.

When the parasympathetic nervous system is active:

  • Heart rate is lowered and the pumping force of the heart decreases
  • Digestion increases and energy is diverted to the digestive system
  • Your airway tightens, reducing the amount of work your lungs do
  • You produce saliva to help with digestion and breathing
  • Reproductive systems are balanced and maintained
  • The muscles associated with waste removal relax

This is also likely why when scientists examined the gut microbes of Tibetan Monks who meditate every day, they found significantly more healthy bacteria that aid in digestion than in other non-meditating Tiebetans with the same diet.

Holosync is uniquely powerful in that it is effective at calming the sympathetic nervous system while activating the parasympathetic nervous system, putting your body into the best state for rest, recovery, and healing.

This is the link between the brain and the body that is too-often ignored.

But now you can do something about it.

Holosync Enhances Heart Rate Variability

Have you ever heard of Heart Rate Variability (HRV)? This is the fluctuation of time between heartbeats, and a high HRV is regarded by doctors and scientists as a sign of good heart health.

Here’s how HRV works. Let’s say your heart rate is 60 beats per minute. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you have one beat every second. Because of HRV, you might have 0.8 seconds between one beat and 1.2 seconds between another. Your 60 beats per minute is an average, but your heart is constantly fluctuating between slightly faster and slightly slower heartbeats.

What does this mean?

You see, your HRV is a reflection of how adaptable your body can be to different situations. A high HRV means that your heart is more flexible, can more easily speed up or slow down as needed by the body.

On the other hand, if you have low HRV then your body will struggle more to adapt when the situation demands it. This can lead to staying in an elevated heart rate situation longer than needed, making it easier for your sympathetic nervous system to get “stuck” in the active position.

If you’ve ever noticed that you have an elevated heart rate while trying to relax, then a low HRV could be what’s keeping that heart rate from coming down easily.

Luckily, there’s one thing that can give your HRV a major boost:


Over the years, we’ve tested the effectiveness of Holosync on HRV and the results are astounding.

Here’s one such experiment that tested the HRV of three people:

The first subject was a non-Holosync user who had never used it before (Image 1). The second subject was an intermediate Holosync user with some Holosync experience (Image 2). And the last subject was an advanced Holosync user who had been using Holosync for a long time (Image 3).

As you can see, the non-Holosync user had a HRV measurement of 695.

Meanwhile, the intermediate Holosync user had an HRV measurement of 5,328.

That’s over 7x higher HRV than a non-Holosync user!

But what about the advanced user?

They had a HRV reading of 12,430!

That’s over 17x higher than a non-Holosync user.

This is one of the advantages that Holosync gives your heart; more flexibility and adaptability so that your nervous system, your heart and your brain can be more resilient and operate in harmony.

And it’s something that you can’t get anywhere else.

Holosync Balances Neurochemicals

There is an elegant dance going on in the brain between the various neurochemicals and hormones that send signals to your body. But when that dance is disrupted by stress, a lack of sleep, an injury, or anything else, then it can lead to you feeling “off” or “moody” or like you’re “just having one of those days.”

Often the culprit is an excess of adrenaline and cortisol – the “stress hormone” that is commonly overabundant in today’s overworked, overtired, overstressed and overwhelmed brain.

And these “bad moods” don’t just make you irritable.

They also lead to health issues!

According to multiple studies, if you find that you’re always cranky, annoyed, or in a bad mood, it leads to a weaker immune system, increased blood pressure, higher blood sugar, and problems with sleep.

All this damage just from a bad mood!

But thanks to Holosync, you can do something about that, too.

Specifically, Holosync stimulates the production of “feel good” hormones and neurotransmitters that can cancel out cortisol’s negative effects.

These brain-balancing neurochemicals include:

Dopamine – Feel Rewarded and Fulfilled
Dopamine is the chemical that transmits pleasure between your brain and your nerve cells. It also improves blood flow throughout the body.

Oxytocin – Feel Full of Love and Belonging
Oxytocin is a hormone that facilitates love and empathy. It has an antidepressant effect and is associated with generosity, trust, and romantic attachment.

Endorphin – Relieve Pain and Calm Nerves
Endorphins are brain chemicals that boost your happiness and relieve pain. The more endorphins you have, the better you feel!

Serotonin – Release Tension and Balance Emotions
Serotonin is a hormone that stabilizes your mood, makes you feel safe, and boosts happiness. Serotonin helps you sleep better, have a healthy appetite, and more easily digest food.

Not only do these neurochemicals help balance out high cortisol levels, but they also improve blood flow, facilitate better relationships, relieve pain, aid in digestion, and much more.

This is the power of Holosync – the ability to turn a bad mood, a stressful day, or an anxious morning into a peaceful and uplifting rest of the day that improves your mental and physical health.

Holosync Strengthens & Protects the Brain

Your brain is your most important organ. Which is why one of Holosync’s most powerful benefits is its ability to improve brain function.

Not only does Holosync relieve stress and help you relax, it also improves your brain’s resistance to stress, heightens focus, improves energy, spurs creativity, and builds resilience so you can handle anything life throws your way.

And just a few years ago, we finally cracked the code on a powerful way to make Holosync even more potent at harmonizing both sides of the brain to facilitate more effective “whole-brain thinking.”

It’s thanks to Lateral Carrier Boost – a new Holosync implementation technique that drastically improves the efficiency of the corpus callosum – the bridge that carries information to and from the right and left hemispheres.

This makes it much easier for information to transfer all across the brain, keeping it agile, limber and strong at any age.

This special technology is like a brain workout that enhances your ability to focus your thoughts, recall important information, solve a crossword puzzle in record time, or just keep up with your grandkids.

Best of all, core-level brain improvement also builds up your resistance to stress, meaning that the same stressful conversation or situation that would have caused you to feel overwhelmed and frustrated in the past…

…no longer pushes your buttons the way it used to.

This is the power of proactive protection! Stopping the stress before it can affect your health is a game-changer that gives your mind and body a major advantage for the rest of your life.

The Ultimate Holosync Tool for Mind & Body

How many medications, multivitamins, tinctures, powders, oils, or special diets have you taken to help improve your heart, gut, hormones and brain health?

The truth is, even if you’re eating right and getting all the supplements your body needs…

…they won’t have much effect until you address your mind-body connection.

Imagine all those vitamins, supplements and medications are high-quality seeds that you’re planting deep within you, with the expectation that they will grow and blossom into better health.

Your body is the soil for those seeds to grow. But plants need much more than just soil, right?

They need sunlight, too. They need water. And if you’re constantly stressed, if your sympathetic nervous system is running all day long, if your brain chemistry is constantly out of whack, and if you struggle to focus, to think clearly or make good decisions…

…well that sounds like cloudy day after cloudy day with no rain or sun in sight.

Your harvest will take longer and longer to reap. And the fruits of your labor may never ripen.

To truly put your mind and body in the best position to prevent problems, to heal, and to blossom into the best health of your life, you NEED to bring some parasympathetic sunlight into the mix. You NEED to water them with beneficial neurochemicals and make good decisions.

And now it’s easier than ever to heal and protect your mind and your body for the best health of your life.

It’s all thanks to:

Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator
Powered by Holosync

This potent Holosync collection is an easy way for anyone to experience a major boost in their mental and physical health.

Finally you can improve heart health, achieve “whole brain thinking,” and stabilize your nervous system all at the touch of a button..

And if you’re already taking medications, multivitamins or other supplements, Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator helps ensure that you’re getting the most out of them.

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Here’s what you get with Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator:

Holosync Soundtrack #1: Heart Enhancer
Improve HRV, lower blood pressure & synchronize the nervous system

The ultimate Holosync meditation for heart health is finally here!

And just in time, too. You see, cardiologists are sounding the alarm on a silent threat that has more of an impact on your heart health than previously thought:


It’s time to take stress seriously when it comes to heart health because the data shows that the more stressed you are, the more likely you are to suffer a dangerous cardiac event.

Stress triggers a chain reaction of inflammation, plaque buildup in the arteries, coronary artery disease, heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure and more.

This is all the result of an overactive sympathetic nervous system.

But with Heart Enhancer, you now have a reliable, proven and effective way to shut off the sympathetic nervous system while simultaneously activating the parasympathetic nervous system…

…meaning you can start to heal the heart rather than hinder it.

Heart Enhancer gently draws your brainwave pattern into a deep Theta brainwave state that naturally activates the body’s parasympathetic nervous system.

During this deep state of relaxation your heart rate slows, your blood pressure balances out, and your body redirects its energy from survival mode to “nurture mode.”

This potent meditation is also perfect for boosting Heart Rate Variability so your heart can be more flexible when speeding up or slowing down, leading to more effective synchronization between your heart, brain and nervous system.

If heart health is important to you, Heart Enhancer is going to make a huge difference in your results.

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Holosync Soundtrack #2: Brain Defender
Build brain resilience, heighten focus & boost cognition.

Did you know that our brains are exposed to far more information today than ever before?

Just 100 years ago, the average person was exposed to about a newspaper’s worth of information each day. That’s about 80 pages worth of written text.

But today, the average person is exposed to…

…74 gigabytes of information each day!

That’s the equivalent of:

  • Watching 74 hours of Netflix…
  • Reading 18,500 kindle books…
  • Listening to over 23,000 songs…

…all squeezed into the 16 or so hours between waking up in the morning and going to bed at night.

So it’s no wonder our brains are often overworked, overwhelmed, and overtired.

And an exhausted brain is less resistant to stress, is more prone to sleeping problems, and is less able to focus on the task at hand.

This opens the door to poor health decisions, bad habits, and engaging in counterproductive coping mechanisms – all of which result in more and more buildup of stress over time.

But what if you could proactively strengthen the brain so that it could more effectively process information, be more resistant to stress, and naturally make better health decisions?

That’s what we’ve done with Brain Defender, our most powerful Holosync soundtrack to date that utilizes a deep Delta brainwave state and our Lateral Carrier Boost technology to nurture and protect your brain so you can take on each day with energy and clarity.

Brain Defender strengthens the cross-callosal flow of information between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, leading to “whole brain thinking.” The result is an enhanced ability to process information faster and more effectively than ever before without getting overwhelmed.

When you use Brain Defender consistently, your cognition will improve, you’ll get deeper and more fulfilling sleep, your memory will be faster, and you’ll build up resistance to the stress from an overworked and overwhelmed brain.

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Holosync Soundtrack #3: Nervous System Stabilizer
Link brain & body for improved immune system, digestion, & relaxation response

The one crucial link between the brain and the body is the nervous system. Until you can get your nervous system working for you – instead of against you – you’ll stay stuck in that toxic survival mode that saps your energy, your health and your peace of mind.

But if you can train yourself to automatically stabilize your nervous system and activate the relaxation response with ease, then you’ll gain a major advantage to all of your vital organs and other body systems.

That’s where Nervous System Stabilizer makes a major impact.

Nervous System Stabilizer uses a powerful “dual-target” combination of the Alpha and Theta brainwave states to target & enhance the “trigger point” of the relaxation response.

Here’s how it works:

First, your brainwave pattern slows to the Alpha state which triggers the beginning states of the relaxation response brought on by the parasympathetic nervous system.

During this time, your thoughts calm down, your stress starts to dissipate, and your neurochemicals start to shift from survival mode to recovery mode.

Then, the Holosync stimulus eases your brainwave patterns down even further into the Theta state, focusing on the full activation of the relaxation response.

By focusing on this trigger point and “practicing” the activation of the relaxation response, your brain and body will begin to memorize this process so that it can achieve it more easily as you go about your day.

That means that even when you find yourself in a stressful situation or realize that you’re feeling overwhelmed, you can more easily activate the relaxation response on your own.

The more you can activate your relaxation response, the better your immune system, digestive system, and other body systems will function and the quicker they will recover.

Nervous System Stabilizer is the catalyst that gives you more control over your brain and your body, even when you’re in the middle of a stress-filled day.

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It’s Time to Take Your Health Back Starting Today

I know that you understand how valuable your health is.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t have made it to this part of my letter. You wouldn’t have been willing to learn about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, what cross-callosal activity is, or the role our neurochemicals play in influencing our health.

So I want to thank you for investing this time in yourself. Because once you can understand these concepts, you can start to do something about it.

And you’ll understand why Holosync is uniquely situated to make a major difference.

So if you’re ready to take your health back, you’ll be happy to hear that you can purchase and listen to the Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator Holosync collection in just a couple taps or clicks.

Here’s what you get when your order today:

  1. Heart Enhancer Holosync Soundtrack for improving HRV, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and boosting heart health.
  2. Brain Defender Holosync Soundtrack for improving brain synchronization, improving clarity, and proactive stress protection.
  3. Nervous System Stabilizer Holosync Soundtrack for improving parasympathetic nervous system activation and boosting health to all vital body systems.

But wait – I want to go even further!

Look, I know that life gets busy. Not everyone has the time to listen to these half-hour meditations every day (even though it will greatly improve your health).

But some meditation is still better than no meditation.

We want to make sure that you will benefit from this powerful meditation technology even if it’s just a little bit.

So each of the full-length Holosync soundtracks in Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator also has an accompanying “Fast Listen” version that’s only 7 minutes long.

This means you can listen on your lunch break at work, while riding the bus, in-between episodes of your favorite show, or even first thing in the morning before you brush your teeth.

We’ve made these shorter sessions as potent as possible, so you’re more likely to use them and still reap the benefits.

So let’s recap on what you get when you order Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator today:

  1. TWO Heart Enhancer Holosync Soundtracks
    (A 30-minute and 7-minute version)
  2. TWO Brain Defender Holosync Soundtracks
    (A 30-minute and 7-minute version)
  3. TWO Nervous System Stabilizer Holosync Soundtracks
    (A 30-minute and 7-minute version)

That’s SIX Powerful health-transforming Holosync soundtracks for just…



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This is truly a life-changing value at a price anyone can afford!

Think about the cost of a one-month supply of heart health gummies, mood balancing supplements or popular nootropics.

All of those together are already well over twice the price of Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator!

What’s more, once you have Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator, you have it FOR LIFE!

There’s no need to reup or reorder. No pesky subscriptions that keep charging you every 30 days until you remember to cancel.

Just one low payment and you’ll get better health for the rest of your days.

If you want to regain control of your life and see dramatic improvements in your heart health, your digestion, your energy levels, immune system and your brain power…

…there’s nothing else out there that even comes close to Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator.

Do yourself a favor and get it right now.

You can download and start listening to these potent health-boosting meditations in just a couple of minutes.

Your heart, your brain, and your body deserve the best. This is how you treat them right.


MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

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P.S. Your ticket to better health is right here!

All you have to do is reach out and grab it.

Get Mind-Body Total Rejuvenator today and put an end to the stress that’s been sabotaging your health for years.

It’s your life – isn’t it about time you stopped letting stress take it from you?

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