Are you ready to feel vibrant and alive?
What if each morning you woke up without debilitating pain? And you had real self confidence and believed that for the first time in your life you were on track for a truly successful, happy and fulfilling life?
It’s not a pipe dream. It’s not impossible.
As a matter of fact it is very possible.
Did you know that your body and your brain have their own natural rejuvenating processes that can heal your body, ease your worries, and make you feel amazing?
And with the right combination of breathing, movements, and meditation…
…you can trigger those healing processes in as little as 15 minutes a day!
And here is the really exciting part – this is nothing new.
People all around the world have been using these different techniques to spark their natural healing abilities for centuries. Yes, hundreds of years!
The problem is, there are so many different theories out there on what works, what doesn’t work, and what’s just “pie-in-the-sky” wishful thinking. It is all so confusing…
…or should I say WAS confusing.
But now the science is in!
There really are scientifically proven ways that you can affect your body without prescription pills or costly injections to naturally:
- Create healing brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine and endorphins
- Reduce stress-related toxic brain chemicals like cortisol
- Activate the powerful parasympathetic nervous system
- Increase motivation, creativity and focus
- Increase blood flow throughout the body
- Increase oxygen levels in the body
- Reduce symptoms of depression
- Reduce the chance of dementia
- Increase vagal nerve response
- Increase heart rate variability
- Reduce blood pressure
- Reduce inflammation
- Lower heart rate
- Get better sleep
These are all scientifically proven results from ancient healing techniques across the world!
We’ve poured endless hours of research into finding the most effective, most proven methods of initiating these natural healing responses in your body…
…and then we amplified their power through our neuro-audio Holosync and Autofonix technologies!
Each one of these special techniques that I’m about to share with you all center around activating your body’s natural healing powers in just 15 minutes a day!
Are you or a loved one suffering from aching knee pain, debilitating back pain, stiff joint pain, toxic stress, agonizing depression, chronic insomnia, throbbing headaches or other crippling ailments?
Now you can alleviate this needless pain and suffering in just 15 minutes a day!
So if you’re ready to completely transform your body and your mind so that you’re happier, healthier, and more successful…
…then you’re going to love this!
Introducing: Body & Soul 360
Body & Soul 360 is a total rejuvenation regimen that’s designed to jumpstart your body’s natural healing abilities while establishing healthy habits…
…all in just 15 minutes a day!
Body and Soul 360 contains seven of the most powerful health-boosting techniques taken from foundational and ancient practices all across the globe.
Then, using our neuro-audio Holosync and Autofonix technologies, we’ve enhanced them to make them even more effective!
These short practices will boost your health and wellbeing through guided meditations, breathing techniques, movement flows, and internal visualizations that combine traditional mindful practices with our cutting-edge technology.
What does this mean for you?
Body & Soul 360 is the easiest way to improve your overall health, including physical ailments, mindset, self-confidence, and even your blood flow…
…resulting in less illness, less stress, better sleep, and a happier, longer life!
And because the power of these practices are boosted with our Holosync and Autofonix technologies, they have been shortened to fit into anyone’s busy lifestyle without sacrificing their effectiveness.
This 7-week Total Rejuvenation Regimen focuses on one practice each week (with the option of doing multiple practices per day if desired).
As you shift from practice to practice, you’ll notice new aspects of your health increasing.
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Here’s How it Works:
Body & Soul 360 contains seven boosted wellness practices that ANYONE can do – all to be completed over seven weeks.
Each week, you sit, listen, breathe, and enjoy one of the powerful 15-minute soundtracks or video session every day, focusing on one practice each week.
What could be easier to fit into your day than that?
During each session, you’ll either be led on a guided meditation, breathing exercise, chant, movement flow, or traditional non-guided Holosync meditation – all of which have been scientifically proven to affect different parts of your body and your mind.
From stimulating your vagus nerves to improving blood circulation to inspiring ah ha moments to decreasing inflammation, you’ll get exposed to the most beneficial meditation practices in the least amount of time.
- Imagine feeling good about yourself and your health ALL DAY LONG.
- Imagine dealing with difficult situations calmly and effectively.
- Imagine looking forward to your day instead of dreading it.
- Imagine waking up without physical pain and headaches.
- Imagine feeling ten years younger!
This is what Body & Soul 360 will do for you – all in just 15 minutes per day!
All YOU have to do is listen, breathe, and enjoy.
“Health is not valued till sickness comes,”
– Thomas Fuller
Unfortunately it’s all too common that by the time we start thinking about our health – it’s almost always too late. Now you can get ahead of the curve when it comes to your personal health and fortify yourself against unwanted illnesses.
That’s why we called upon our own in-house ancient healing expert…
Meet David Bardes – The Man Behind the Methods
A perpetual student and teacher of ancient techniques and natural healing methods, David brings the wisdom and insights from each to increase his effectiveness as a coach, and is always looking for new ways to help the Centerpointe Community.
For example, he was the driving force behind the widely-popular Wu Xing Power Suite.
David has been with Centerpointe for over 10 years, and in that time he’s quickly become one of our most popular Accelerated Results Coaches.
He’s also a certified Light/Energy Practitioner and holds a variety of certifications from the Tao Academy.
In his many years of practice, David has proudly worked with several Master Teachers including:
- Qi Gong Master and Tibetan Buddhist Rinpoche, Zi Sheng Wang
- Doctor and Master, Zhi Gang Sha
- Taoist Master, Mantak Chia
David’s inspiration for Body & Soul 360 was to ease the struggles that so many of his clients struggled with. This life-changing course combines his extensive knowledge of the power of Holosync technology with the advanced body/energy/spirit practices he’s mastered…
…to create a program that gives you the most amount of benefit from all of the different disciplines through easy-to-do daily 15-minute sessions!
Here’s What You Get with Body & Soul 360
7 Healing Practices
Week 1: Innate Radiance
A guided meditation to balance and nourish your physical body.
Innate Radiance is a Taoist-inspired guided meditation exercise designed to help balance the natural energy of your body’s organs, digestive system, and nervous system.
In Taoism, compassion, love, and joy are not just feelings, but sources of energy that can improve your health and well-being.
This guided session is based on the Taoist “Inner Smile” practice and uses breathing and visualization cues along with embedded Holosync tones.
We’ve taken the traditional version of this practice even further by enhancing it with our neuro-audio Holosync technology that guides your brain into a relaxed mid-theta brainwave pattern – making it more effective than ever before.
The Science Behind the “Inner Smile”
Scientists have been studying the smile for a long time, and the benefits of smiling – both inwardly and outwardly – are astounding.
These things happen inside your body when you practice Innate Radiance:
- You create happy brain neurotransmitters (dopamine, endorphins and serotonin)
- You experience a sense of happiness and contentment (from the dopamine)
- You experience natural antidepressant effect (from the serotonin)
- You experience natural pain relief (from the endorphins)
- Your heart-rate and blood pressure are lowered
- Your body relaxes and relieves tension
All of these effects have been studied, measured, and documented by scientists as effective, natural ways to improve health and longevity.
Week 2: Super OMni Vagus
A fun and effective way to stimulate the vagus nerve for multiple health benefits.
Super OMni Vagus is a guided meditation chant infused with our Holosync technology that focuses on stimulating the vagus nerves.
Vagus nerves are the longest and most complex of cranial nerves and play an important role in your body’s health. Among other things, vagus nerves transmit information to and from the brain and organs in your body. Vagus nerves are essentially the “data link” or bridge between the brain, heart, gut, and other crucial organs.
Vagus nerves also connect to your vocal cords and the muscles in the back of your throat – meaning you can influence your vagus nerves (and the body parts they connect to) through chanting.
OM (pronounced “Ōṃ”) is a very ancient chant integral to many traditions including Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. Today it is used among many meditators, yogis, and others beyond these traditions. It is generally referred to as a representation of life, Heaven and all creation.
Or, as our late Founder, Bill Harris, used to say: “Everything, everywhere and everywhen.”
In addition to being a spiritual “heavy weight,” it is a single-word mantra that is easy to learn and fun to chant.
The Science Behind OM and the Vagus Nerve
“The vagal response reduces stress. It reduces our heart rate and blood pressure. It changes the function of certain parts of the brain, stimulates digestion, all those things that happen when we are relaxed.” — Dr. Mladen Golubic, MD, Medical Director of the Cleveland Clinic
Chanting OM has been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation in the body while stimulating the vagus nerve, and is a recommended practice for those challenged with depression, fibromyalgia, and other health issues.
How can a simple 1-word chant do all of this?
Chanting OM increases your vagus nerve’s “vagal tone” which activates the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for the body’s recovery and digestion response).
Researchers discovered that the more you increase this vagal tone, the more your physical and mental health improves.
In a 2010 study, scientists saw that this chant stimulation also reduces blood flow to the limbic system (the part of our brain that activates under stress) leading to easier relaxation and stress relief.
And of course, we’ve ramped up this particular guided chant with our neuro-audio Holosync technology that will guide your brain into a brainwave state of high theta with a very potent carrier frequency.
This deepens the effectiveness of this practice, making it easy to open yourself up to the chant and also has been shown to increase your Heart Rate Variability (HRV).
Your HRV is directly linked to the vagus nerves, and a higher HRV means a higher vagal tone.
Super OMni Vegas is one of the most POWERFUL 15-minute meditation ever created – with the most amount of benefit you’ll find ANYWHERE.
The only catch?
You have to chant along if you want the benefits.
Use Super OMni Vegas for a quick pick-me-up that’ll leave you feeling calm, invigorated, and lucid.
Week 3: Chakra Fountain Breathing
A breathing practice to align and harmonize the physical and energetic bodies.
The Chakra Fountain Breathing practice is a guided breathing exercise and meditation that harnesses the power of one’s breath to infuse rejuvenating energy throughout the body.
Chakras play an important role in several ancient healing traditions through India and Asia. Often represented as wheels or rotating centers of energy, each of the seven chakras correspond to different organs or body regions, and to different aspects of our lives like our health, finances, creativity, and more.
This concept of energy centers, channels, and networks is ancient and far predates more recent conventional medicine.
By clearing and balancing the chakras, we can improve a wide range of problems that can inhibit health, including chronic stress, poor diet, sleeping problems, motor function issues, and more.
Participating in Chakra Fountain Breathing is an easy way to activate and open ALL of the chakras in just 15 minutes!
Like a fountain, this practice starts at the root chakra and builds up through to the crown with each chakra supporting the one above it.
While most chakra practices stop there, we take things a step further and direct the energy back down the spine and through the “return” channel to maintain a balanced energetic and emotional state.
Holosync tones guide your brain through the Alpha and Theta brainwave states while silent Autofonix affirmations fortify balance and personal strength as you build the core of your energy body.
Chakra Fountain Breathing is an easy way to feel uplifted and energized!
The Science Behind Chakra Fountain Breathing
There have been extensive studies done on the effect of modified breathing techniques like Chakra Fountain Breathing that show HUGE health benefits.
This practice has been proven to lower heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels (the stress hormone)…
…while increasing focus, heart rate variability, and the amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream.
It also activates the prefrontal cortex while quieting the limbic system, leading to clearer thinking and better decision making all day.
This is one of the best ways to get “in-tune” with your body – all in just 15 minutes a day!
Week 4: Creative Contemplation
An inward experience to inspire creativity and mindfulness.
According to many wise thinkers, including Centerpointe Founder Bill Harris, we are all artists composing, writing, and painting our lives with our beliefs and actions.
Creativity is at the very heart of a mindful lifestyle…
…but much of our creativity is often stifled by the stress of everyday life.
So we’ve created a special exercise specifically designed to help awaken new ideas, discover new solutions, and free up your inner artist from the confines of stress and worry.
Creative Contemplation is a unique meditation that incorporates creative internal visualization and new perspectives to create new neural connections in the brain that stimulate inspiration, motivation, focus, and personal fulfillment.
The Holosync tones in Creative Contemplation induce the brain into the theta brainwave state where the imagination is most free to invent, solve, and conceptualize things that our conscious mind is often unaware of.
This enhances the experience and gives you the most powerful idea generator ever!
The Science Behind Creative Contemplation
Mindfulness meditations like Creative Contemplation have been proven effective in lowering stress levels while also leading to breakthrough ideas.
Scientists have found that just 10 to 12 minutes of mindfulness meditation is enough to boost creativity a whopping 22%!
And that’s before we add in our Holosync technology to enhance these benefits even further!
According to scientists, the reason for this creative boost is due to an increase in neuroplasticity – the ability for the brain to be more agile and spontaneous with its neural connections.
It’s no wonder major corporations like Google, Goldman Sachs, and Medtronic offer mindfulness meditations to their employees.
But even those meditations are sub-par compared to our Holosync-boosted version in Creative Contemplation.
This practice will leave you with fresh perspectives, deeper understandings, new insights, and less stress.
Week 5: Graceful Rising
A beautiful and mindful way to start your day.
Graceful Rising is a gentle yet empowering way to start your day or to gain a quick boost to your mood.
This special “graceful” meditation draws from the ancient Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Forgiveness practice and Don Miguel Ruiz’s Toltec-inspired Four Agreements to nourish your body and soul all in one 15-minute meditation.
A lush musical soundscape engages the senses while our Holosync tones help the transition from sleep or deep meditation to lucid wakefulness.
A special set of affirmations are embedded behind the music using our proprietary Autofonix encoding method to wake your mind and help it greet the day with positivity, wisdom, and confidence.
It’s a beautiful way to start your day or prepare for that important meeting, or for anytime you just want a boost in your focus, energy, and clarity of mind – we recommend using it first thing in the morning.
The Science Behind Graceful Rising
Graceful Rising will help you let go of negative thoughts and emotions so you can also let go of your troubles and the stress associated with them.
Scientists have found that “unforgiveness” is stressful, and that holding onto grudges or other pessimistic thoughts leads to elevated blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels.
Graceful Rising is intended to wash away any resentments you might be holding onto so that you can greet the day with a fresh heart and less stress.
The silent Autofonix Affirmations embedded in Graceful Rising are inspired by the Four Agreements and will implore your subconscious brain to:
Be impeccable with your word.
Don’t take anything personally.
Don’t make assumptions.
Always do your best.
Use Graceful Rising to start every day on the right foot.
Week 6: Gentle Repose
A pleasant and comfortable way to prepare for sleep.
Gentle Repose is the perfect bridge between a busy, event-filled day and deep, healing sleep (or deep meditation).
This meditation practice uses our cutting-edge Holosync technology to take your brain all the way down into the delta state – the brainwave state associated with rejuvenating sleep.
All too often we don’t get the necessary time in the delta state to fully recharge and energize for the day ahead.
That’s why, if you normally struggle with sleeping all through the night, this meditation is going to make a HUGE impact on your physical and mental health.
Gentle Repose is designed to help you release the tension and worry accumulated in your day and prepare you for a graceful night’s sleep.
The Science Behind Gentle Repose
Here’s what Sleep Scientists tell us about what happens to us in the Delta state:
- Physical healing and recovery from illness and stress takes place
- Immune response is energized and strengthened
- Memories are organized and consolidated
- Emotions are processed and released
- Blood sugar levels are balanced
- The brain flushes out toxins
- Metabolism is stabilized
- Learning is concretized
Gentle Repose will make it easier for you to reach that healing level of delta – both during the meditation and afterwards as your head hits the pillow.
If you have trouble sleeping through the night, Gentle Repose might be just what the doctor ordered.
Week 7: Rainbow Orb Tai Chi (Video Session)
An easy-to-learn tai chi routine that connects you with your physical and energetic body.
Rainbow Orb Tai Chi is a 20-minute video session that includes a gentle movement practice inspired by the many Tai Chi and Qigong regimens from around the world.
These ancient movements are easy to learn, and our in-house yoga master, Gregg Hendrix, will walk you through each flow.
During the session, Gregg will also lead you through a mental visualization that will bring new life and energy into your limbs, your core, and your mind.
The Science Behind Rainbow Orb Tai Chi
Tai chi movements have been proven time and again to improve balance, reduce pain, and may even prevent cardiovascular disease.
Some studies have also shown that tai chi improves mental health by reducing stress, reducing symptoms of depression, and may even help slow or prevent dementia.
A 2015 study found that people who did a mind-body exercise like Tai chi were less likely to have dementia six years later.
You’ll come away from your daily Rainbow Orb Tai Chi practice with an elevated sense of wellness, a reduction of stress within the body, and greater body balance.
BONUS: Four Quick-Start Cards
To help you take complete advantage of these amazing practices, we’ve included some quick-start cards for you that you can print out to take with you anywhere. These cards make it easy to understand all the health benefits associated with each practice, some history behind the techniques, and tips to get the most out of each one.
The following practices have bonus cards included with them:
Innate Radiance
Super OMni Vagus
Chakra Breathing
Creative Contemplation
BONUS: 360 Practice Tracker
We make it super easy for you to keep track of your progress through the 7-week process!
Included in Body & Soul 360 is a beautiful practice tracker that is easy to print out and fill in. Keep track from week to week so you can celebrate your progress!
This tracker is completely customizable so you can start any day of the week and still stay on course.
Immense Value for Life at an Affordable Price
Body & Soul 360 is the ONLY ultimate health-boosting rejuvenation regimen that combines ancient healing techniques, the power of Holosync, and modern scientific data to reduce stress, improve health, and give you a longer, happier life.
You already know that rampant stress can lead to health issues such as inflammation, digestive issues, immune system disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. Not to mention expensive medical bills and the deterioration of your happiness.
But with Body & Soul 360, you now have an easy 15-minute-a-day practice that will help you manage your stress levels while increasing your quality of life.
And unlike most online courses, we’re keeping our prices LOW so ANYONE can afford a healthier life!
Body & Soul 360 includes:
- Six carefully designed & masterfully crafted Holosync-boosted soundtracks. Holosync is THE most powerful commercially available neuro-audio technology.
- One guided Rainbow Tai Chi video session. This 20-minute long Tai-chi inspired practice will refresh and rejuvenate the heart, the joints, and the brain all in one.
- Four Quick-start Cards. These easy-to-follow cards remind you of the health benefits associated with each practice and the history of the ancient techniques that inspired them.
- 360 Practice Tracker. This digital companion is completely customizable and will help you stay on track so that it’s easy for you to achieve your goals. After the seven weeks, you can either start over or design your own 7-week schedule using your favorite practices.
There’s never been a collection like this before!
So if you want to improve your health, reduce your stress, and enjoy more of what life has to offer…
…then what are you waiting for?
The life you want is waiting. All you have to do is take the first step.
Sign up today and start reaping the benefits immediately!
You deserve it.
Money-Back Guarantee
We GUARANTEE that this 7-week regimen will make your life BETTER!
If, after going through all 7 weeks of these powerful practices, you feel like it didn’t do anything for you…
…we’ll give you your money back – no questions asked!
But if you stick with it, I know you’re going to see positive changes in your health, your mood, your mindset, and your energy levels.
The science doesn’t lie!
Get Body & Soul 360 today.
Trevor Smith –
Holosync just helps you get into “the zone” better, faster and truly effortlessly. It will help in ways that are hard to describe. Thanks Bill!!